Sometimes I feel just like a gerbil, running around and around on his wheel! Moving so fast and never getting anywhere. My days full of mundane routines as I run my legs off in the same ‘ole circle. I wake up with aches and pains that never seem to improve. I attend to my family’s needs – breakfasts, medicines, coffee (for the hubs), clothes and backpacks. After getting everyone else off, I exercise and work. Then when school lets out I step back into the caretaker role, overseeing chores, snacks and homework. I shuttle Shelby to therapies and Allie to practices and activities. After dinner, we start the process of winding everyone down in the hopes of a decent bedtime. I fret over how much sleep Shelby will get and whether she will have any seizures. Throw in an occasional meeting or appointment and that draws a pretty accurate picture of my days. After a good night’s sleep (in my dreams – see what I did there?), it starts all over again.
The weekends feel a little more like a carousel than a gerbil wheel. The extra time off from work gives us a little more fluidity. Chuck and I might squeeze in a date or the whole family could see a movie. Maybe we get the chance to see some family. I occasionally treat myself to a massage or a shopping excursion. Don’t get me wrong, there are rarely big surprises. We are still running in the same circle, but it has the potential to be more enjoyable.
Before you start to feel sorry for me and my boring life, let me tell you about who I get to live it with. I have 2 beautiful girls who, at times, cannot get enough of me. They love to hug and kiss and cuddle (how lucky is that?). I have a sharp step-son who has blessed me with precious grandkids. I have friends who encourage me and pray for me, and occasionally even hang out if I beg. And I have a husband who loves me well. So much better than I deserve.
Above all else, I have the love of my Savior. It doesn’t really matter if my day is a jambalaya filled with spicy variety or a bland broth, I get to live it heart to heart with the Creator of the universe. Even when the order of my day feels “rather, rinse, repeat”, His mercies are new every morning.
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23
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