February is usually one of my favorite months. Two of my dearest loves (husband and youngest daughter) celebrate birthdays. Well, let’s be honest. Ever since my daughter made her arrival onto the scene on the day after my husband’s birthday, he gets overshadowed.
So we are thankful for it and continue to persevere through it.
Chuck has chosen to personalize this journey in every way possible. He is using stickers on his radiation mask to count down his sessions and makes the medical staff laugh as often as he can. His good humored relatives make this easy with wearable gifts to lift his spirits. Some are self-explanatory. If you aren’t a comic book nerd, you may have to search the recesses of your memory to recall how Spider Man got his spidey powers (radiation).
He has now gone on full leave of absence from work for the remainder of his regimen. I’m so thankful he has the ability to focus on rest and self-care. And I had my own – although markedly minor – health issue. A tennis elbow flare up that sent me to the doc for a second cortizone shot and a brace for my wrist (of all things). This is not, however, unusual for me. As my friend Terri says, “I’ve got more issues than Time Magazine”.
We had two little ice storms here in Texas. Nothing as severe and inconvenient as last years’, but they did shut down school and most businesses for 2 days and 1 day respectively. The first came right on the heels of a two day school closure the week before to try to slow down the spread of Omicron. People, we have too much going on to have the kids underfoot so much!
The Super Bowl brought me some much needed socialization when one of our favorite neighbor couples came over to watch the game. We had no horse in the race and really only cheered for the commercials. My Valentine and I had a low-key Feb 14th and just went to sit at the lake with our girls and my in-laws for a while.
We took Allie and a couple of friends to hibachi to celebrate her 17th and then Chuck’s parents cooked us dinner complete with Spiderman cake the next evening for his plenty-ninth. He can taste almost nothing now and has some food aversions thanks to radiation, but we still managed to have a good time.
February Entertainment
Please don’t cancel me, but I am about to say something fairly unAmerican. The Winter Olympics have been a snooze fest. There. I said it. Most evenings we turned it on, but never lasted longer than a few minutes. Where are the attention-grabbing stories and personalities? It makes me nostalgic for the days when we didn’t have so many other choices. When everyone watched with bated breath and talked about the athletes and events at work and school the next day. Is it just me? If you still love the Olympics and can’t get enough, tell me about it in the comments below.
What did excite me? The movie adaptation of Francine Rivers’ Redeeming Love. I know it got very mixed reviews, but it captivated me. For anyone unfamiliar with the book, it only comes off as a western love story. But I know it is a retelling of the biblical book of Hosea. And I could hardly stop crying for the beautiful picture it presents of the mercy and grace of God. Warning: very mature content and much racier than most Christian films. Have you seen it? If so, give me your thoughts.
I also watched Red Notice on Netflix. A much less spiritual or emotional experience. But enjoyable none the less. I love me a wise-cracking Ryan Reynolds (especially when he’s not in a rated R format) and Gal Gadot is always stunning to look at. I can’t resist a rom-com so we went to the theater for Marry Me.
The hubs and I started a new to us series on Netflix. All American reminded us a lot of Friday Night Lights, which is one of our very favorite shows. But although the concept is interesting, I can’t really recommend it due to some inappropriate content. Disappointing.
With everything else going on, a beach read in the winter was the perfect distraction. Before the Crown by Flora Harding explores (fictionally, but based on facts) what the beginning of the relationship between Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip was like. If you like The Crown, you will like this book.
And now for this week’s featured post from the link up!
Laura Thomas’ Why Waiting Matters spoke straight to my fast food, high speed internet heart. Plus you still have three days to get in on her giveaway!
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Your husband has such a wonderful attitude and sounds like a very fun guy. I wish him the best with his treatment. I enjoyed reading your “goings on.” My son was born the day before my husband’s birthday, so my husband’s has always been overshadowed, too. I agree about the Olympics being underwhelming. It just seemed like such a non-event, and I hardly watched any of it. I usually love watching. Also, I haven’t seen Redeeming Love, but I did read the book and loved it. Have a wonderful day!
Thank you for the kind words toward my husband. I hope you get a chance to see Redeeming Love.
So thankful for the bright spots in a hard month. I love your husband’s expressions of humor during treatment.
We had the Olympics on most nights. I normally don’t watch sports much at all except for them. I thought the opening and closing ceremonies were quite lackluster, especially considering what China did the last time they hosted. Maybe with Covid, they had to rely more on electronics than performers. I was mainly interested in figure skating and enjoyed Nathan Chen’s gold medal free skate. I also loved Shawn White’s exit after his last Olympic event, with everyone fist-bumping or hugging him.
We’re caught up in The Amazing Race this year since the Holderness familly (funny family You-tubers) are in it and loved PBS’s All Creatures Great and Small.
I do like the Holderness family, but don’t like reality competitions for the most part. I have heard good things about All Creatures Great and Small!
I’m praying for you and your family as your husband goes through his cancer treatment! Pedro would play Chumbawumba’s Tub Thumping song when the doctors and nurses would come into the room before chemo or radiation ;). (Just the first part of it, though–we didn’t realize until much later that it was a drinking song!)
Ha! That is so funny!
What a blessing that your hubby has been able to keep his sense of humor through the challenges of chemo and radiation. I’m praying for him this evening.
I told my husband that I would like to watch Redeeming Love but we haven’t gotten to it yet. I’m not surprised that it is a little more racey. Some of Francine Rivers’ books themselves are a bit on the racey side compared to most Christian novels. I loved the Mark of the Lion series, but it’s a bit out there, too.
I know what you mean about the Olympics. We did watch some of it. My husband records everything and lets it get a little ahead so we can scan through to what we want. This year we watched some snowboarding and figure skating. Though the whole Russia doping stuff is so disgusting and then to see that young girl have a meltdown. It was heart-breaking. While I realize she had to have known, we probably can’t know the pressure they put their young athletes under.
Then just a few days later to see what has happened in Ukraine. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised since Satan is the ruler of this world. Where would we be if we didn’t know who is really in control of the final outcome?
Anyway, like many people, I’m praying that God will intervene for the people of Ukraine.
Oh Donna, I have been praying and praying for the people of Ukraine. Thanks for going on February with me.
I love your husband’s attitude as he fights cancer. Staying positive boosts our immune system. I am praying for him and you.
Thank you so much, Yvonne. The positive attitude definitely helps. But the prayers will bring the victory.
We didn’t watch the Olympics at all this year; with just streaming services we found it nearly impossible to find any good content to watch. I refuse to pay for Peacock or any other network just to watch the Olympics as much as I used to enjoy watching them. Glad to hear your husband is keeping his spirits up and continue to pray for him and your family as he continues his battle.
Thank you for the continued prayers, Joanne.
‘As my friend Terri says, “I’ve got more issues than Time Magazine”.’
And sometimes a friend that will make us laugh right out loud saves the day!
Yes! She is good for my soul.
Sounds like February brought blessings to you and your family. I hope you and your husband continue with positive attitudes and humor as he pursues his treatments.
Thank you for linking up at Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 9.
Thank you.
Praying for your husband to keep his great attitude; I’m sure it helps everyone around him too. I watched Olympic highlights a few times but didn’t watch much this year. One of my friends today told me she saw Redeeming Love and really loved it (she’s read the book several times too). Always fun reading your updates, Lauren. May March be an easier month!
From your lips to God’s ears, Lisa. Thank you.
That cake! Wow. And thanks for the movie mentions, hubby and I were looking for a funny action movie. Red Notice sounds like it will fit the bill. Praying for you husband and family. Glad he is able to laugh at things. What a great stress reliever.
I hope you love Red Notice. Was really fun. And thank you for the prayers.