It’s finally starting to feel like fall here in the South. And I’d like to start my monthly muster by telling you another way (besides the cooler air) that God showed His kindness to us. Believe it or not, it involves helping someone move. During the last two and a half years, my hard-working husband experienced some pretty intense and repeated job upheaval, so the coffers are a little thinner than in previous years. What we do have, though, is an extra vehicle because the hubs now has a work truck. So we have two full size pick up trucks. And God has provided multiple ways for us to be generous with this truck when we can’t be generous with funds. So kind.
Chuck and I got dressed up to finally attend the Double Down for Dravet, a fundraiser for the Dravet Syndrome Foundation. Spending time with fellow families and hearing one of our favorite docs talk about how close we are to a cure for the condition my daughter suffers from made for a great night. My daughter also had her first high school homecoming. For those of you not from Texas, that is a mum she has tied around her neck. I don’t know how to describe it exactly except to say it is a thing. If you like to laugh while you learn, my friend Heather wrote a great post about homecoming mums here.
My best friend flew in for a weekend we have been looking forward to for six months. We did a wood sign painting class, watched Baylor (Sic ‘Em!) and Dallas football and went to a Popcast Live Show. If you don’t listen to the Popcast podcast with Knox and Jamie, you are missing out on about 100 laughs a week. My BFF and I connect across multiple states over this weekly ritual and the live version was, although more expensive, much more fun. And I only cried a little when I put her back on the plane.
Allie had her first official high school choir concert and we are sooooo excited about her future her musical endeavors. Shelby bowled in the Special Olympics area meet and brought home a bronze medal. I think she likes the medals even more than the bowling. Our church threw a 20th anniversary celebration for our neighborhood with food, games, rides, magic shows and an outdoor service. After attending, serving and playing, we made an exhausted b-line to Sonic for Route 44’s.
I’m always happy to see the return of fall TV. A new This is Us season always debuts the week of my birthday. Because God is good. We are trying a couple of new shows. Bob hearts Abishola is a cute 30 minute sitcom and Almost Family fascinates me in a train wreck/can’t look away sort of thing. Time for reading mostly eludes me. I fall asleep entirely too quickly. I did start Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter, but have yet to finish. And I’ve been re-reading The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery in order to lead a discussion of it with a group of friends. The Enneagram is having a moment. If you haven’t looked into all the fuss, I highly recommend this book. I even wrote a review of it here.
I picked up a new snack on a whim while standing at the check out. I couldn’t find the exact flavor online, but these are close. These chips are yummy but the flavor is strong. And there has not been a gum or mint yet invented that can handle the breath they left me with. I had to basically start my day all over with a brush and floss!
The rest of our month feels like it took place in one doctor’s office or another. Allie has continued follow up and therapy for her concussion and, although not fully released, is working diligently to catch up on the school work she missed while impaired. Shelby moved to a less restrictive version of the drug trial she continues to benefit from. Yay! Chuck, now that he is 50, started his grown up journey to longevity by finally scheduling with a primary care doc. A family member endured a big surgery (I don’t want to tell someone else’s story – hope you understand), and the whole family suffers from congestion and cough.
To finish the month on a fun note, the winner of the Quest Q and A Study Bible is Leslie Coffey! Please check your email for details on getting your prize! Thank you to all who subscribed to enter. I hope you will stay for the fellowship. And…I dressed up for Halloween with my co-workers. Can you guess what I am? Drop your comments below. I know it’s punny, but I just can’t help myself. And I love you, I thank you, and I hope November treats you well.