This week I’m taking another break from the serious to bring you the rest of our mistaken lyrics. Take a look at last week’s list for more silliness. Or start here. And check out the links if you aren’t sure of the song. That makes it more fun. I’m finding laughter to be pretty good medicine right now.
Hymns/ Praise Music
- I can’t remember where I heard this one, but someone thought Chris Tomlin’s Our God, which starts “Water, You turned into wine” said “Who do you turn to and whine?”
- A gym friend’s son loved to sing Great are You, Lord as “We pour out our brains to you” instead of “pour out our praise”. Both are probably correct.
- The next one comes complements of my daughter, who has belted praise tunes since toddlerhood. The song Days of Elijah pumped us up with the words, “Lift your voice, it’s the year of jubilee. And out of Zion’s hill salvation comes!” Allie, who liked Hannah Montana, sang “and Miley Cyrus hill salvation comes”. Heaven help us.
- This next one is actually a pop song, but the wrong lyrics put it in this category. There’s a line in Kharma Chameleon by Culture Club that states, “Every day is like survival”. I bet they would be thriving instead of surviving with this change, “Every day I read my Bible”.
Everything Else
- I think most of us have heard Credence Clearwater Revival’s Bad Moon Rising. And more than one of you thought the chorus line “There’s a bad moon on the rise” was pointing out the “bathroom on the right”. Both important things to know.
- My bonus son once thought Def Leppard’s hair anthem Pour Some Sugar on Me, sounded like “Pour some shook up Ramen.” Delicious? Maybe. Sticky sweet? Nope.
- A minute or two ago, the Steve Miller Band asked a “big ol’ jet airliner” not to carry them away too far. But my friend’s husband thought they were letting him know that “big ol’ Jeff left a light on”.
- Even though the Joe Cocker/ Jennifer Warnes movie soundtrack duet was named Up Where We Belong, I have personally heard it sung, “Love lift us up where we were wrong.” I don’t think I’d want to go back to that place.
- The next three come courtesy of my daughter Allie Rose. I’m a little embarrassed to admit she had even heard this song as a toddler, but she thought she was “feeling so fly like a cheese stick”. The real words (and title): Like a G6.
- Several years ago British artist Lorde landed on the music scene with Royals. As the singer daydreams of being rich and powerful, she exclaims, “You can call me Queen Bee.” But my Allie sang, “You can call me green beans!” It’s doubly funny since she hates green beans now.
- In Blank Space, T Swift admitted, “I’ve got a long list of ex-lovers.” But for a while my girl thought “I gotta love the Starbucks lovers.” I could make a joke here about the way we like both coffee and men, but that would be in poor taste.
- As if the name Manfred Mann’s Earth Band isn’t already a little confusing, there have been many mistaken interpretations of the lyrics to their song, Blinded by the Light. The correct words: “Blinded by the light. Revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night.” An old high school friend sang it, “Wrapped up like a douche, another roller in the night.” Neither makes sense to me.
- Boy band Color Me Badd added some spanish flair to their ballad I Adore Mi Amor. One online friend wanted to know why they were telling us they like Mia more! What’s so great about her anyway?
- Get out your butterfly collars, but be careful. Apparently “burn, baby, burn, disco inferno” sounds like “burn, baby, burn, the school is burning”. Might have been wishful thinking on that kid’s part.
- Toto singing ,”I bless the rains down in Africa” didn’t make much sense to us. But “I guess it rains down in Africa” would be a weird wondering to put to music.
- A pop song about Mozart? Originally written in German? Rock me Amadeus was a huge hit for Falco, and misunderstood by many. Two alternate versions of “Amadeus, Amadeus”; “I’m a dentist, I’m a dentist” and “Hot potatoes, hot potatoes.”
- To wrap up (I promise there won’t be a third post on this.), I must confess that I laughed way to loud and entirely too long about this one. Paul Young ripped my young heart out singing of lost love in Every Time You Go Away…”You take a piece of me with you.” Well now I can’t stop singing, “You take a piece of meat with you.” Yall, I can’t.
Reader friend, if you are still here, thank you. Thank you for going along on this ride for what can only be described as “low brow humor”. But I’ve loved every minute of it. If you have your own misheard lyric, I hope you will share in the comments below so that the laughter continues.
And now for this week’s featured link up post!
Linda Stoll invited us to peek inside her Springtime Book Bag! This mild weather has me dreaming of sitting outside with a good read, so I’m checking out some of these!
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