After an incredible time in study this morning, I just had to break our typical format today. As I poured over the scriptures quoted in our church’s sermon this week, I found myself in a full on praise sesh! I took 2 pages of notes from multiple scripture passages and even raised my hands as I spoke back to God the things I read about Him. So I decided to share some of it with you. The scriptures are too many to quote word for word, so I will list the references below.
Colossians 1:18, Ephesians 1:20-23, Ephesians 3:6, Colossians 2:18-19, Zechariah 3:1-4 and Galatians 2:20
Look up and study these passages for yourself (have your own little bible study) or skip down below and praise God along with me. I love how the Bible challenges me to pray and praise in ways I wouldn’t think of on my own. The passages themselves, as well as the Believer’s Bible Commentary on them, inspired my words.
You are the beginning, the first born from the dead. You have first place in everything! Your body is glorified. You are unique and cannot be second anywhere.
Lord, You created everything. Because of who You are and what You’ve done, You reign supreme. In our lives, you have preeminence. You sit at the Father’s right hand. You rose and ascended!
God, you triumph over every form of opposition. Satan is defeated by your victorious power. You employ that power on our behalf. Your omnipotence is immense. Take us soon to be with you!
Your name is above all others and you’re superior to every other. King over all kings and Lord over all lords. All things remain under your feet. You have universal dominion.
Forgive us when we rebel, deny you and resist you. Forgive us. We are awestruck as we contemplate you, all-glorious Lord. Jesus, you have been given universal sway. And we, the church, get to share your rule. Your marvelous grace saves us and gives us the unique privilege of being your body. May we compliment you.
You permeate the universe and supply it with all it needs. This is too much for us to understand, but we admire you. Thank you for including us as heirs of your promise.
We get to draw from your exhaustless resources for our needs. You sustain us and direct us. May false teachers never lead us away.
Moment by moment we depend on you. You take our iniquity away from us. You love me and live in me. It’s too much! The old me has no more claims on my daily life. You live your life in me. Praise you, Lord!
Praying for you in this. And don’t forget to share this on social media or with a friend who could benefit. It would mean so much to me. And if you don’t want to miss a Praying God’s Word Wednesday, subscribe over on the right hand side of this page.