Bottom o’ the month to ya! I hope everyone is starting to thaw a bit. Spring has pretty much sprung here in Texas. We never really know how to dress this time of year. The morning chill begs a sweater, but the afternoon sun cooks you in it. 75 degrees feels warm and glorious in the sunshine but rather frigid with clouds and wind. I will long for it all, though, in a couple of months when it’s 100 degrees all…the…time.
Allie started this Women’s History Month by treating us to a school choir concert themed Pop Music of the 80’s, 90’s and 00’s. If I closed my eyes I could swear I sat in MY high school auditorium instead of hers! Spiral perm, gravity defying bangs and all. She sang a fun and peppy rendition of Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves. I love to watch her perform – especially accompanied by Chuck, Shelby, my parents and twin sister. That’s her in front in the green shirt!
My girl left the concert to go straight to our church’s version of Disciple Now weekend. The next week she competed in a classical solo and ensemble contest. We still await results. Shelby started back to school that week as well. I hear the angels singing the Hallelujah chorus now. Her recovery progressed remarkably. However, mom and dad worked hard to care for and entertain her lo those long weeks.
My niece Olivia turned 10 on the 11th and treated family and friends to a private screening of the new Tom and Jerry movie. We enjoyed the company more than the show. That kicked off a week’s Spring Break from school for my kids. Since my husband took off work two weeks previously to help with Shelby’s post op care, we stayed home and kept it low key. He did take one vacation day to take us to the Dallas Zoo with a few thousand other people.
The last weekend of their school holiday, Allie went on a mini-mission trip. Shelby went to stay with my mom, dad and PawPaw. The earth has traveled around the sun quite a few times since Chuck and I have had two nights alone in our house. A good time was had by all.
This week I had a rather frustrating start back to work after nearly two months off. I confess I’ve complained too much. But I also gave thanks on March 23 for 4 years of cancer freedom.
I’ve done a little more reading and a little less TV watching in March. Probably a good thing. After hearing several people I follow talk about Open Book by Jessica Simpson, I gave it a look see. Celebrity memoir isn’t usually my go-to, but I wanted to learn about her transition from Baptist preacher’s kid to Hollywood sexpot alcoholic. Very interesting to see how she weaves her faith in God – even if it’s very different from mine – throughout her life.
Waiting for Tom Hanks by Kerry Winfrey helped me escape tougher things with a romantic comedy obsessed heroine’s quest for love AND the job of her dreams. I used Prayer: Approaching the Throne of Grace ($3.69 on Kindle as of this post) for my daily time with God and my prayer life did receive a much needed boost! (Full disclosure: I’m a contributing author.) And speaking of being an author, Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon gave me good ideas in a quick and easy read.
Eating Mindfully: How to End Mindless Eating and Enjoy a Balanced Relationship with Food by Susan Albers contained no real new information for me. But my latest read, If I Were You by Lynn Austin, may just be the best novel I’ve devoured in a long time.
My husband and I did watch the short series Defending Jacob on Apple+. I had to limit us to 1 episode a night – and it had to be pretty early – for me to be able to sleep. This peek inside the criminal mind was dark, twisted and pretty fascinating. We also started the new Superman and Lois. If you have recommendations for reading or watching, please do us the favor of leaving them in the comments!
Well, I pray as time is ticking closer to Easter that you take more of that time to turn your mind and heart to Jesus. And as always, I love you, I thank you, and I pray April treats you well.
Now for this week’s featured link up post!
Laurie from Meditations in Motion managed to entertain me, lead me to empathize with her, encourage me and mention one of my favorite authors all in one post! Check out Guilt, Shame, and a Little Grass Skirt!
1. Share 1 or 2 of your most recent CHRISTIAN LIVING posts. (No DIY, crafts, recipes, or inappropriate articles.) All links are randomly sorted.
2. Comment on 1 or 2 other links. Grace & Truth linkup encourages community.
3. Every host features one entry from the previous week. To be featured, include this button or link back here on your post (mandatory to be featured, but not to participate)
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MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
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LISA BURGESS – Lisa notes
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Love how this post satisfied some of my nostalgia for high school musical productions! Hope the results of the audition are favorable!
Thanks, Michele. I always enjoy watching her perform.
It’s always fun getting a peek into someone else’s week. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reading, Kara!
Oh, those gravity-defying bangs of the 90s. So funny!
I am glad to read that Shelby recovered and is back at school. Good luck to Allie in her competition.
Thank you for the shout-out, Lauren!
It is always my privilege to feature you, Laurie!
Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!!
I really appreciate it!!
Same to you, Debbie!
Thanks for sharing a bit of your life with us! My life is much quieter than yours. The busyness made me smile, taking me back to when my children were teenagers. Wishing your daughter much luck in her competition! God bless, your Inspire Me Monday neighbor, Cindy
Thanks so much for coming for a visit, Cindy! I hope to see you on the interwebs again soon.
Lauren, thanks for sharing your month with us! I am so ready to bid March farewell and welcome in some real springtime weather. I have been watching too much television lately and not reading nearly enough. But now that the weather is warming up, I will take my books outside away from the tv and get some reading in!
Reading outside in spring time weather. That sounds amazing!
Lauren thank you for sharing highlights from you month. I enjoyed reading about them. Blessings.
Blessings to you, Paula.
That was a full March! Sounds like things are getting back to more normal for you guys. I remember many solo & ensemble weekends with my son. Good times!
Thanks for following along with me, Suzette. It means so much to me.
Lauren, such a fun read.
It sounds like you guys had a good March. Springtime in Colorado can have us in the 60’s in one day and with a high in the 20’s and snow the next. True story.
How fun that you and your honey got two nights alone in your house. I can’t remember the last time that happened for us.
And speaking of performances, my son’s only concert for the year (as of now) is tonight. I can hardly wait! Have a great week!
Oh, I know you enjoyed every minute of your son’s show. Thanks for being in community with me, Jeanne.
Great to see you in #WowOnWednesday! Thanks for the recommendation of Defending Jacob, will give it a try!
It’s dark, but fascinating. And happy Easter!
What a full month. Love Lynn Austen’s books. Thanks for letting me know about this one.
I think this is the first Lynn Austin I have ever read but I will be looking into more.
Lauren, I enjoyed your podcast with Sue Donaldson, very much.
Thank you, Susan. I was surprised and delighted when she invited me. I really enjoyed talking with Sue.
I always enjoy posts like this as they provide a look into the fun events in the lives of others.
Me too, Joanne. I was inspired to start a monthly recap after reading others. I always found good recommendations and felt like I got to know the author a little better!
I love Lynn Austin’s books and have that one on my shelf waiting for me! The books on prayer and creativity sound good. Glad your daughter is recovering well.
I think this is the first Lynn Austin I have read. Loved it so much that I will be looking for more.
You’ve had a busy time Lauren!
Happy Easter, He has Risen!
Bless you,
Happy Easter, Jennifer.