Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka are the latest prominent figures to speak publicly about their mental health. I appreciate anyone who uses their platform – big or small to draw attention to the rising mental health epidemic in our country. These conversations were hidden in dark corners for too long. The more we bring these issues to light, the more awareness we have. The more awareness we have, the better we can recognize early signs and seek help. Not only for ourselves, but also for others.
I have suffered from low level depression and anxiety. As a result, counseling has been a great help to me. In addition to my own struggles, family members with different mental health challenges spur me to try to stay informed. But there is so much I don’t know.
Even though I’m no subject matter expert, I couldn’t let World Suicide Prevention Day pass without at least sharing a few resources I found this month.
Websites and Articles
- Why Olympian Athletes Break Down and Why You Could Be Next – an article from Relevant Magazine by Debra Fileta
- Watch Those Calories! A Digital Diet for Mental Health from The Gospel Coalition. David Murray expounds on how our online activities contribute to mental and emotional issues.
- Am I Actually Depressed or Just Sad? by Andrea Jongbloed for Relevant Magazine. A good primer on recognizing the difference.
- How Do I Know if This Counselor is Right for Me? from Beth Claes and The Gospel Coalition.
- – formerly BiPolar Brave. Katie writes with frankness and truth about her struggle against Bipolar disorder. Spend some time clicking around and reading about her experiences and insight.
- June Hunt’s organization has been around for 35 years and the resource offerings keep getting better and better. Check out the books, articles, videos, radio program and therapy options with licensed professional counselors.
Helpful Numbers
Text HELLO to 741741 to connect immediately with a crisis counselor 24/7 for free. Or chat online at And most importantly, if you are having thoughts about self-harm, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or simply dial 911. Don’t hesitate.
And now for this week’s featured post from the link up!
My fellow link up host Maree Dee is writing about suicide prevention this month, and doing it much better than me. She has some great tips for how you can get informed and involved, and some great resources in Suicide Prevention: Will You Be the One to Save a Life? Thanks so much, Maree.
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Lauren, thanks for all these important resources … sadly so very much needed in this season.
I know, Linda. Thank you.
Lauren, the events in our world currently have surely increased the levels of anxiety and depression for so many. It’s good that we can talk about it and perhaps guide others to read and learn and find help. June Hunt’s organization has existed for a long time and offers wonderful resources. Blessings!
Thanks for reading, Joanne.
Thank you for compiling these resources on such an (most) important health topic!
Thanks for reading, Lynn.
Thank you for pulling together these helpful ad needed resources.
I wish I knew more to do more, Barbara!
Thank you for drawing attention to the importance of mental health and more awareness, Lauren. It is so needed. Love and blessings to you!
Love and blessings back to you, Trudy.
Thank you for sharing on Traffic Jam Weekend at! Mental health awareness is so important, especially right now. I’m so thankful that Jesus has prepared some of His children for helping their brothers and sisters through difficult times!
I am thankful for that, too, Niki.
Thank you, Lauren, for the wonderful article full of great resources and featuring my post on suicide prevention. I love it when others are passionate about the same things that are dear to my heart. You are a blessing. I am so glad we host Grace & truth together. Maree
Oh, I feel the exact same way about you!!!
Thank you for raising awareness and providing helpful information. We lost our ex-son-in-law to suicide earlier this year. No one knew of his suffering. His children, my grandchildren, will be dealing with his loss for years to come.
I am so sorry for your family’s tragedy. I am praying for your grandchildren right now.
Mental health needs to be talked about more often. Thanks for sharing. I have some anxiety issues.
I so relate to that, Danielle. And I figured, even if I don’t know that much about mental health, I can point readers to others that do!
It takes courage to write anything about mental health. Good on you. I enjoy your blog xxx
Thank you so much. I just try to follow the Lord’s leading – even if I don’t know much about the subject I can point readers toward those that do.
So wonderfully spoken Lauren. I have depression and severe anxiety. I agree counseling is a big help, I “graduated “ from 3 years of counseling August of 2020. I’m getting better at sharing in some of my blog posts. I’ve learned that when the Holy Spirit nudges me to talk, I talk. It took me some time to recognize it was Him, now when He nudges, I recognize it’s Him. Blessings.
~Selah ~
Such wisdom and growth, Paula. Thank you or sharing a little of your story here. I know it will help others to face their issues head on.
Thank you for sharing these valuable resources :). Mental health awareness is so important! I wish I would have known more before my daughter had a crisis.
Yes. I wish I had known more about myself and then my daughter as well. But at least it is not so taboo anymore to talk about mental health! We are all learning more.
Great resources Lauren, as you know my professional career has been in Clinical Counselling over the last four decades.
So I appreciate your bringing mental health awareness here.
Bless you,
I wish I knew enough to share more. I will remember next time that you are a good resource, Jennifer.
Thank you for featuring my site and mission. What a great list of resources you compiled. Thanks for doing this.
My privilege to feature you here. As someone who doesn’t know a lot about mental illness, your site has been so helpful to me as I’ve navigated the mental illness of a family member. I am learning.
Thanks for bringing attention to such an important topic. Mental health should be no more a source of stigma and shame than heart disease or pancreatitis.
I agree 100% Michelle. And I think we are getting closer to that reality.
I’ve never been truly diagnosed, but I too suffer from anxiety. Taking walks and meditating have really helped me, especially this past year.
I don’t have an official diagnosis either. But I sure know the symptoms. I’m glad you’ve found something that helps. Saying a prayer for you now.
Hello, this is one of my personal favorites for last week’s Encouraging Hearts and Home. I hope you stop by and say hello, this post has also been pinned to the Encouraging Hearts and Home board! Thank you for being a part of Encouraging Hearts and Home, we appreciate all that you share. Have a great week ahead!
Thank you so much, Melynda!