Do you ever feel like you’re living in a comedy of errors? I’ve had several days like this recently. One involved a much anticipated camping trip with our kids and grandkids.
We rented a cabin the last week of July at a campsite with tons of activities for kids. I don’t mind telling you, we paid more than we wanted to, but with four grandkids coming to visit it kind of seemed worth it. We planned meals, grocery shopped and packed up almost everything we owned before hitting the road. On the drive, my husband and I realized we forgot our daughter Shelby’s medication.
We could manage without a lot of things on this trip, but anti-convulsant medications ain’t one of them. We decided to continue on to the campsite where I dropped everyone to get settled into the cabin while I darted back home. Fortunately, our destination sat about 45 minutes from home. In the meantime, we came up with a list of about 10 other forgotten items for me to grab while there.
What usually took an hour and a half round trip became 3 hours on the road due to Friday rush hour traffic in the Dallas/ Ft. Worth metroplex. But with meds finally in hand we settled into a much smaller space than it looked online. The common area consisted of a futon with an extremely heavy cushion that kept sliding off of it and 5 backless barstools around a kitchen counter that really only accommodated 2. The one and a half baths for the 9 of us seemed inconvenient but doable, except that the mirror and lights in one of them hit me about chin level. I guess I built some leg muscles squatting to brush my teeth and fix my face.
I had to scootch sideways between the bed and the wall to get into bed, but managed to get a decent night’s sleep with the help of medication. The street light (as bright as the sun) right outside the upstairs window offered no help.
Let’s Laugh About it Some More!
I was glad for the rest I got the next morning when giving Shelby her medications. I realized that I had not looked at the med minder while grabbing it from the house. It contained only one dose – not enough for our planned stay. So guess who got back in the car and made another round trip to the house? At least a Saturday morning drive didn’t take as long.
I hurried back to ready our space and food to host another 11 family members coming in for the day to see our out-of-state visitors (son and grandkids). Mind you, the air conditioned inside space fell way short of accommodating those of us spending the night. So we prepared ourselves to hang out on a small covered porch and prayed for a breeze. We didn’t get it.
In the middle of all this, we managed to get locked out of the small, but at least cool, cabin until help arrived.
Luke 12:6-7 NIV says:
Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. 7 Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
He cares about every hair that is or is not on your head. Every little detail! I pray you take comfort in that today, my friends.
And now for this week’s featured post from the link up!
I love visiting Joanne Viola’s site. Her sweet and gentle spirit shines through her words and she often gives me great material to think about it. If you have a moment, chew on Care today.
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MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
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Lauren, it is amazing how a day can just be a comedy of errors. I am learning sometimes it is just best to laugh at yourself. And what a surprise to see you shared my post. Thank you so much and I pray someone is encouraged. Thank you for blessing and encouraging me!
Was my privilege to share your writing with others. Thank you, Joanne.
Oh my, that does not sound fun at all. But what can you do but laugh about it and say “We’re creating memories”. Thanks for the party.
Exactly. Thanks, Amy.
I started feeling tired myself as soon as I got to the part about the second trip back home…what an adventure! Yes, thankful we can laugh at a comedy of errors!
You just have to, right? Thanks, Lynn.
Oh my goodness. Yes, one does have to laugh to stay sane in strange happenings like this.
Agreed! Thanks for reading!
Sounds like a day we would have. No matter how well planned…life does happen.
Glad you can laugh about it now.
Blessings, Laurie
Yes! Hope it made you laugh too.
Oh my goodness; yep, one really does have to laugh when things like that tend to happen.
It’s either laugh or cry! I choose laugh.