Ok, so October is ALMOST over and done with. Halloween looms on the horizon, but we have done most of the October things.
When I left you at the end of September’s round up, Chuck and I were driving to New Orleans for my birthday weekend. We stayed in a gorgeous hotel, ate the best shrimp I’ve ever tasted in my life and laughed hysterically at Leanne Morgan’s Big Panty Tour. On the road, we listened to Heather Land’s A Perfect 10: The Truth About Things I’m Not and Never Will Be. Not nearly as funny as her first book. I recommend sticking with I Ain’t Doin’ It: Unfiltered Thoughts From a Sarcastic Southern Sweetheart.
Activities That Are Over and Done With
We started off the month with slightly cooler temps here in Texas so the hubs and I invited a couple of friends to an outdoor concert at the lake. A pleasant breeze and even more pleasant company made the evening a hoot. The cover bands and the food trucks – not as much. The next day we took Shelby to a Texas Ranger game on gifted tickets. She loves her Rangers.
I’m still pinching myself that I got to go to a second live Baylor football game this season. This time with the home field advantage and a bigger win. My sister invited me on – again – gifted tickets. Such a fun day of driving, cheering and shopping with my sis. We even made it on the jumbotron (if that’s what these ginormous screens are still called)!
On Indigenous People’s Day, the kids were off of school and I took Shelby to the botanical gardens for a Best Buddies Match Party. She had a ball and I sat under a shade tree with my computer while she enjoyed the festivities. This is such a great organization and the sweet kids who volunteer their time with mine are true treasures.
The next evening we took a short 30 minute drive to see my niece Bethany perform with her school band in UIL contest. I don’t think I’ve been to one of those since my own sisters were in band. That’s been a minute. I enjoyed the music and creativity of the shows. And speaking of music, the next evening we snuck into the youth worship service at our church to hear Allie lead 5 songs. As this becomes a habit for us, I grow more and more thankful that I get to be lead to the throne room of God by my daughter. Watching her use the immense talent that God gifted her for His service is one of the greatest joys of my life.
We filled the middle weekend of the month with football, football and more football. We took Shelby to her first high school game to see her sister sing the national anthem with her choir. Visiting with friends there made Friday night lights even more enjoyable. The next day we went to my parents’ house to watch Baylor win again. And Sunday Dallas had a huge win over New England. So fun.
After a busy weekend, Allie sang in her first concert of the new school year under a new director. As always she had the biggest cheering section of any kid with her aunt, grandparents, boyfriend and boyfriend’s parents accompanying Chuck, Shelby and me. And this week we got Sing Out – the annual solo showcase and contest.
As this goes to press, I am once again winging out of town. This time to Atlanta to hang with my best friend and see the Downton Abbey experience. So pumped!
Entertainment – Some Over, Some Ongoing
The hubs and I jumped on the new reboot of The Wonder Years. I find it almost as charming as the original. And we watched an older movie on TV – The Trouble with the Curve. Not sure how I hadn’t ever heard of this one with such big names in it.
I added 3 new podcasts to my queue. The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill (about Mark Driscoll and the trappings of power and celebrity). Southlake – the story of racial turmoil in a school district close to my home. And 9/12 – a documentary about the ways our world changed after 9/11.
As this goes to press, I am once again winging out of town. This time to Atlanta to hang with my best friend and see the Downton Abbey experience. So pumped! And as we turn our hearts toward the season of Thanksgiving, I want to say; I thank you, I love you and I pray November treats you well!
And now for this week’s featured post from the link up!
Theresa Boedeker brings up a concept that is not often discussed, but – in my opinion – important for each of us to fully realize in our search to know God. Read How People Influence Our View of God. I’d love to know your thoughts!
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MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
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LISA BURGESS – Lisa notes
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TAMMY KENNINGTON – Restoring hope. Pursuing peace.
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sounds like you had a great month. Thanks for the party. I tried the new Wonder Years show and didn’t like it at all. I wondered if I should have tried more than just the first episode.
I guess The Wonder Years is just appealing to my nostalgia for old school sitcoms. The language and filth in most current streaming shows is depressing!
What a busy month! So glad you had opportunities to do fun things and be with people. I hope you enjoy the Downton Abbey experience. We got to see that at the Biltmore House just before the pandemic started. It was so much fun.
Oh, I bet setting it at the Biltmore was amazing!
Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave a sweet comment!!
Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
Thanks for returning the visit!
What a busy and fun month!
Too busy, Michelle. Thanks for reading.