Earlier this year I read Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus: How the Jewishness of Jesus Can Transform Your Faith by Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg. I highly recommend this book as an exercise in deeping your knowledge and relationship with Jesus.
Passover Song
The name of the song, “Dayeinu”, means “enough for us”. Fifteen verses recount a long list of God’s blessings with a refrain of dayeinu after each verse. The words drive home that if God had stopped at any one, His people would still be completely satisfied. Here is a sample (from the book) of the verses:
If he had rescued us from Egypt,
but not punished the Egyptians,
it would have been enough! (Dayeinu)
If he had punished the Egypians,
but not defeated their gods,
it would have been enough…
If he had given us the Sabbath
but not led us to Mount Sinai,
it would have been enough…
If he had led us to Mount Sinai,
but not given us the Torah,
it would have been enough…
If he had given us the Torah,
but not brought us into the Land of Israel,
it would have been enough…
How much more, then, are we to be grateful to God
for all of these good things which he has indeed done
for all of us!
What a wonderful attitude of gratefulness!
Maybe your parents, like mine, taught you from a young age to thank others for a gift or compliment received. And to thank God for the blessings in your life. But this song fell fresh on me in a way that I may struggle to express to you. Dayeinu means that even if I didn’t have the things I have, I would still have reason to thank Him.
What a magnificent revelation! And a challenging heart check. It reminds me of another song – Even If by Mercy Me. My mom introduced me to this one as I began my journey with cancer almost 5 years ago now.
I know You’re able and I know You can
Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
But even if You don’t
My hope is You alone
I know the sorrow, and I know the hurt
Would all go away if You’d just say the word
But even if You don’t
My hope is You alone
A Challenge in Giving Thanks from the Passover
In the tradition of Dayeinu, I pray, “If you crafted my body to work, play, bear children and care for my family, but it never stopped hurting, it would be enough. If you gave me the talent and desire to give testimony of you through writing but I never have a book published, it would be enough. And If you allowed me to mother the sweetest child I’ve ever known, but she never stops having seizures, it would be enough.
Spend some time with this tradition this week. Thank God for the things you have, of course. But also thank Him in the midst of the things you don’t. Maybe write out a few verse of your own to add to the song. Take some inspiration from mine if that helps. I would love to hear yours in the comments below. And if you’re really brave, introduce the concept at your Thanksgiving table and see where it takes you.
If you read this post today, but never read another I wrote, it would be enough. I am so very grateful for you and wish you a blessed Thanksgiving.
Now for this week’s featured post from the link up!
We should make Can I Really Persevere in Daily Gratitude as a Matter of Obedience? by Michele Morin required reading for every believer. Let’s face it, life can be hard – days often rough. We don’t always feel gratitude, much less feel like expressing it. This gentle reminder may comes right on time in this season.
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MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
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TAMMY KENNINGTON – Restoring hope. Pursuing peace.
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