“So that Christ my dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:17-19 NIV
If you have been following along with me the last few weeks, you probably know that my daughter Shelby’s high school graduation has been an emotional time for me. It’s not been typical, but nothing about my girl is. If you feel like you missed something, you can read about it here and here. The rest of you almost certainly grow weary of the topic, so I will wrap it up by sharing my final thoughts and blessings here.
I’ve had a week to process it now. What stands out to me most about the experience is not pride in my daughter, which I have. It’s not gratefulness for the family and friends that surrounded us, although I feel that.
It’s the almost tangible sweetness of God to me that eclipses all else. He so tenderly handled my already raw emotions, starting with Shelby’s insistence that she and all her peers were wearing red dresses. Her innocence and total lack of understanding made me giggle.
We got Shelby to the staging area to meet her precious teacher and teacher’s aide who would assist her and found our chairs. Like most graduation ceremonies, it was boring and long. Since my husband gave her an “S” last name (not complaining – it’s much easier to pronounce than what I would have given her – Koepf), we waited a while for her moment. Just as my uncomfortable seat was beginning to affect my normally sunny countenance, we saw Shelby and her helper making their way around the auditorium toward the stage. And she entertained us all the way around. First, she saw my friend Terri seated on the front row and broke loose from her escort (almost into a run) determined to sit with her.
Terri apologized to me later, but I wouldn’t hear of it. It is a precious memory to me that my girl wanted to be with my friend. Once Terri convinced her to line up with her friends, Shelby began a fight with her aide over the hat. You can see the struggle here:
and here:
and here:
When I could have cried, I laughed and laughed and laughed as Ms. A finally gave up and let Shelby walk the stage sans topper.
And as she walked the stage, the audience started to clap and cheer, just like they did for the 12,000 graduates before her. Well, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration. But it took Shelby longer to walk than anyone else.
And as she ambled across, not really knowing what was going on; the applause continued, and grew. My girl, who won no awards or scholarships or even a college acceptance, received the longest ovation of the night. The tears fell then. They are falling now as I retell it. But they weren’t sad tears. They still aren’t. The tears are full of gratitude – for the ways God can use someone with the IQ of a toddler to touch a life. For the ways Shelby fills my heart with joy. For the love of a good, good Father who knew exactly what was needed to make the night special for this mama.
“The Lord’s loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new ever morning; great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23 NASB
Hi, Im visiting from Friendship Friday at #115/116. Your post was so sweet. As a mom of two little ones, I can only imagine what that far away day will hold for me. I am happy for you and your daughter. Can’t wait to read more from you. thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much!
I came to visit you here after replying to your comment on joyintheeveryday.ca, and I am so glad I did! What a beautiful story. It truly touched my heart. May the Lord bless you, Shelby and your family!
Thank you, Janet.
Lauren, the tears rolled here as well. The Lord surely gives us moms the most beautiful and tender moments with our children. Praying for the Lord to continue to use Shelby to touch the lives of many. So grateful for His hand on our kids and on us. Blessings!
PS – Grateful you stopped by my post as it prompted me to also come visit. May I say, I am so glad I did!
Thank you so much, Joanne.
What a wonderful story of a special night. My eyes are welling with tears just reading about it. God is indeed faithful and good.
Isn’t He? We are so very blessed.
Yep, you had this momma in tears, too! This is absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! Praising God with you for the ways He has used Shelby to touch lives and trusting that He has a plan for her to touch many more in the future. God bless you and your family!
Thank you, Deb. That means so much.
Such a beautiful story of your sweet celebration!
Thank you, Lisa.
Oh so beautiful. I love this thought: “’It’s the almost tangible sweetness of God to me that eclipses all else.” He is so precious to meet us. In the midst of the hard and weary, your words echo in my own heart as well. Congratulations on such a special day with your dear daughter! I’m so blessed to be your neighbor over at #Teaandword this week.
Thank you so much, Bettie!
Okay puddling over here in CA. You are a beautiful display of God’s great grace. Rejoicing with you. I think I need to remember the image of Shelby taking longer than all the others to walk the stage. God has His reasons that some of my beloveds are “taking too long” and I need to pray and praise and let them be. The applause will be all the bigger and better in the end.
You have no idea what it does to my mama’s heart that my daughter could have a lesson for you, thru God. Thank you for blessing me by sharing it, Sue.
I love that Sue. And I agree Lauren. Shelby is a gem
Yes she is. Thank you Koki.
Lauren, both you & Shelby have immensely encouraged my heart today. With tears running down my cheeks I write this…
I have a 7 year old granddaughter with unique abilities… she attends a special unit at school, she is non verbal, has hearing loss & many other issues & definitely goes at her own pace. She is the sweetest child, very loving.
I have attended her award ceremonies at infant school already & she loves being with the other children. I can so relate to the hat episode, my granddaughter hates wearing hats too!
I love the Lamentations verse. God has her back, as He has Shelby’s ♥
Thank you Jennifer.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience! It’s wonderful how Shelby has the power to affect so many people in such a profound way.
Thank you, Carri. God is good.
So very sweet! He is so good to us to give us those precious moments that are unscripted and yet embedded in our hearts!
So true Karrilee!
Beautiful tribute to your girl, Lauren! SO excited for you all. God’s goodness is sweet like honeycomb. <3
Yes it is.
My heart resonated with your every word. From one special needs mama to another, I’m sending you the biggest of hugs ♥ And praising God for His presence in your life.
I’m sharing this one for sure!
Thank you sooooooo much, Lori. I really appreciate it.