“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 NASB

I promised I wouldn’t write about my daughter’s graduation any more. I’ve babbled on about it ad nauseam here, here, and here if you need a Shelby fix. I must bring it up again, though. Please forgive me. Not just for writing about it AGAIN, but for what I am about to confess.
My daughter received some lovely graduation gifts. Some Mickey Mouse items (her obsession), some movie tickets (she LOVES to go to the show – if she gets popcorn or candy), some gift cards (her wardrobe is getting a refresh), and some cash – which we are putting aside to help get her to Disneyland soon (I mentioned the Mickey Mouse obsession, right?). We were blown away by the generosity of friends and family who wanted to celebrate her. But I made a boo-boo. I may have mentioned – or again babbled on ad nauseam – in the aforementioned posts about my stress levels at the end of May. Chandler’s med school graduation, Allie’s athletic and choir events, Shelby’s graduation and party and throwing a party for my in-law’s anniversary had me frazzled to say the least. All of Shelby’s wonderful gifts got pushed to a corner together with the cards until I had time to breath. Then I went through each bag and card to carefully record the contents and the name of the sweet giver. As soon as I could, I set about the task of writing “thank yous”. Until I ran out of cards. So I ordered some on Amazon to help complete my list.
The cards came 2 days later, ’cause PRIME. Not bragging, just saying. And I trotted to retrieve my carefully curated list. But where is it? Not where I thought I left it. Not in the trash or recycling. Yes, I looked. Not in 25 other common-sensical places it could have migrated to! I looked the proverbial high and low to no avail. Now here is the catch. I can remember most of the gifts and who gave them. What I can’t remember is who I sent a card to already and who I still lack. I could blame stress, or the fact that I am getting older as evidenced by the new pair of dollar store readers I now own. But the bottom line is that I can’t remember – where I put the list or what still remained to be checked off.
If you gifted my daughter and haven’t received a response, please forgive me. And please know how much I, and she, appreciate the Mickey Mouse throw, hooded bath towel, pillow, toy, clothes, money and tickets. Your kindness did not go unnoticed and will not soon be forgotten.
The Bible verse at the top of this post brings me a lot of hope. At my age, my memory may not improve, but it is reassuring that God’s not through with me. He is molding me and shaping me and changing me to conform to His image. And He will as long as I have breath. That’s His promise.
Haha! So glad to read someone else does stuff like that. I am sure your family and friends recognize your (and your daughter’s) gratitude.
I’m so glad there are more of us, Laurie!
I haven’t heard the word dooflunkey in ages!
You are not alone! We all have mess ups, and I, for one, have put things more than once in a safe place never to be found again!
Thanks for the encouragement!
Lauren, I hate it when that happens. But it does. Sometimes I haven’t remembered who I wrote and didn’t know if I wrote it in my head or actually sent it! 🙂
I’ve been there, too, Lauren! 🙂 I know your friends will understand.