Before you start to think this is any type of advertisement or endorsement for Amazon, let me confess that I am not a die-hard. I have subscribed to the Prime program on and off through the years depending on how helpful/ financially beneficial it seemed for my family in any given season. But I am currently in an “on” season and have found “Prime” to be a relatively universal language. If you aren’t a fan of the “Zon”, I ask that you reserve those feelings for your own blog or social media account. I simply felt that with Christmas right around the corner, it might be fun to share some of my favorite things that are easily accessible to everyone – whether or not you might choose to get them online. (In the interest of full disclosure, if you click on my link to purchase the product or anything else, I will receive a few cents at no additional cost to you to help offset the expenses of running this website. And thank you very much.)
To start, my current obsession is this Bible study aid. It looks like the throwback four color pen you used to get excited about in elementary school, but 3 of the four colors are highlighters (albeit thin ones) for underlining and one is a black pen. All four cooperate nicely with flimsy Bible pages and won’t bleed through. Loving it!
The Bible Study Pen – Carded $2.99
True confession, I have not actually used the next product because I am still using up a much more expensive, similar product. But a nurse at the hospital whose lashes were to die for told me this is what she uses. If it can produce even close to the same results as the products out there that cost 3 times as much, I’m here for it.
Nutra Luxe Lash MD, 3.0ml – $43.85
The next product I bought on the endorsement of my best friend Patsy. We both sit through all day tournaments and do some traveling for the sports our children love. And someone is ALWAYS running out of phone battery. This charger has a long battery life, charges relatively quickly and can accommodate up to 3 devices at once! The solar powered aspect comes in handier for Pats who attends regular baseball practices and tournaments outside, than it does for me sitting in temperature controlled gyms for volleyball (God bless my daughter for choosing an indoor sport). But I still love it and have taken to carrying it all the time in my oversized mom purse. I have not tried the little fan that came with it, but if I were outside at a baseball tournament, I might!
Power Bank Solar Charger – 24000 mAh – $39.99
Also on Patsy’s advice (What? She’s my fave!), I got these short charging cords to go with it that can just stay plugged into it all the time.
VOKOO Short Lightening Cables – 5 pk – $9.99
I ordered this book for a gift. I have already devoured it and think all my girlfriends should too. It is from my absolute favorite non-fiction author and it’s about friendship. These precious and funny stories will have you texting or calling your girls immediately for a GNO. If you haven’t read it, you should. But buy extra copies to give to your friends that are extra!
Nobody’s Cuter Than You – Paperback – $14.92
OK, this next thing may not be as handy to you as it is a glimpse into my life. If you don’t already use kitchen shears, let me enlighten you. I have an entire counter-top crock filled with scissors we only use on food and food packaging. They work soooo much better than a fork and knife to cut everything from pizza to raw chicken. Since I have an 18 year old who often needs very grown up food cut up into toddler size bites for safety, I often longed for my kitchen shears when out at restaurants. Until I found these. They are small, portable and slip into a cover for safety. I keep them in my oversized mom purse all the time and wish for my shears no more. I’m sure they work well on things besides pizza and chicken tenders, too! And you get all 3 pairs!
Plus Pen Style Compact Twiggy Scissors – $13.99
While we are sort-of on the subject of food, I love this healthy pita bread and can’t always find it at my grocery store. It’s low calorie, low carb, high fiber and still tastes like bread! I use this mystical unicorn for Gyro’s, sandwich wraps and breakfast tacos. And I love knowing I have a back-up location to get it.
Joseph’s Flax Oat Bran and Whole Wheat Pita Bread – $14.99
And last, I love this easy to wash and wear dress. I know the style is a little summery, but the colors are fall-ish and the price is right. Heck, if you live in the south like I do, you probably have several more weeks you could wear it! If you think, however, that you can order it but style it on the shoulder instead of off, you would be wrong. One sleeve is shorter than the other, forcing you to wear it as the model or look crooked. Don’t ask me how I know.
Verdusa Women’s Color Block Half-Sleeve Split Loose Shift Maxi Dress (because that just rolls off the tongue) – $22.99
There you go.
You may not feel closer to Jesus after reading this post, but maybe it was helpful! In the comments tell me the best thing you have ordered online recently. I need ideas for Christmas too! Happy shopping!
Thanks for the tips, Lauren! I think I have to buy the phone charger. We just got back from a trip to Italy, and I can’t tell you how many times my phone died because we were out and about without access to a wall outlet for charging. Could be the zillion pictures I took running down the battery too! 😉
It is soooo handy!
I’m liking the other benefits Prime offers such as access to their videos and etc.With as often as my Husband orders off Amazon it’s totally worth it to sign up for Prime.
I like the videos too!
Oh Lauren, you’re right! Christmas is just around the corner. And Amazon is my shopping mall.
Your post made me smile big …
I’m so glad, Linda.
There are some great gift ideas here, Lauren! Thanks!
My pleasure!
Thank for the tips and sharing with Grace and Truth. I like that Bible pen.
I am loving using it Maree.
I gotta say I’m liking the Prime. 😉 My husband and I signed up for the access to Prime Video but we’re slowly beginning to take advantage of all the other things you get for the price. Thanks for the ideas: we might order some Christmas gifts since we both hate fighting the crowds.
It’s so much easier isn’t it? Thanks for visiting!
Thanks for sharing what you’ll be buying at Amazon. 🙂
Blessings, Karen.
What a great list of ideas! Some I have heard of or seen, and some are new to me! I’m still in denial that Christmas is coming, but just seeing these items made me realize I need to put some thought into gifts soon! I may just click over and check a few of these things out!
It’s sneaking up on us Karrilee!
Thank you for sharing your favorites. I love Amazon and find many good buys there.
Life would be sad in the Schumaker house without Prime! Without 2-day shipping on all our daughter and son’s supplements (and on just about everything!) would make me cry!!! lol
Thanks for all the fun recommendations!!
Thanks for sharing the post, Lori.
Great suggestions Lauren. Can never have enough gift ideas!!!! And who doesn’t love 2 day shipping?!
Right? Thanks for engaging, Char!
Ahh, I don’t even want to think about Christmas yet.. although I really should, if I want to get e jump start on it this year. I was WAY behind, last year!
Great resources! I’m especially fond of the bible pen!
I love that pen!