“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Ephesians 4:2 NIV
Dear Mama and Papa,
50 years is quite a legacy. When I saw the scripture verse above, it reminded me of you. I won’t overly romanticize your relationship just because it’s lasted this long. I know that neither of you is COMPLETELY humble, gentle or patient 100% of the time. We are a fully human, fallible family. But as great as I do think you both are, I know it takes lots of “bearing with one another in love” to make it to a 50th anniversary. If the world took that commandment more seriously, many, many more marriages would go the distance.
Until I sat down to write this letter, I hadn’t fully grasped of the generational example we are privileged to have. Not one known divorce in my direct line as far as we can trace. How rare and wonderful! I cherish the love stories of you and my grandparents. I still get giddy when I’m lucky enough to hear them. That you grew up together and were always friends makes your two lives joined as one that much sweeter. And what a gift that I witnessed your love and marriage first hand!
Papa, your single-minded devotion to my mom taught me what to expect from a man. You may have lost your cool with her occasionally, but your anger never lasted more than a few minutes. I watched you date her and show her affection and prefer her company to any others. You exemplified the Proverbs’ directive to “rejoice in the wife of your youth.”(5:18) I made a lot of mistakes as I searched for my mate, but because of you, I knew the kind of man I wanted to marry. I held out for someone who would treat me like you treat Mama. And he loves me well. Thank you.
Mama, you have a servant’s heart. To know you is to be blessed by you. And you serve your husband devotedly. For years you have cooked his meals, mended his clothes and kept a fine house for him. You have chored and worked side by side. But even more important than how you have served is the way you respect him. You believed in him and championed him even when others didn’t. And you prayed. Oh, how you faithfully prayed for your husband and your children. I am not quite the cook and homemaker you are (you learned from the best), but I’m following your example (and asking for your advice) whenever I can – and praying for a similar outcome.
You both put God first, and each other second. And that is why we are all here to celebrate such a momentous milestone. I love you.
Happy Anniversary!
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Such a touching tribute to your parents, Lauren. Happy Anniversary to both of them!
Thank you, Martha.
That’s wonderful Lauren. What a testimony and blessing and just right for father’s Day, I hope they have or had a great anniversary.
Thank you, Rebecca. They are truly special.
What a beautiful tribute to your parents, Lauren! My hubby and I will celebrate 41 years this year! I sometimes look at him and see that 17-year-old boy (with shoulder-length hair) I fell in love with so many years ago!
They are a beautiful couple. I know what you mean. My husband and I only have 20 years so far but that “only” doesn’t feel possible some times.
It’s such a blessing to have this kind of legacy. My parents celebrated 63 years this spring. I cannot be more grateful for the legacy they have left behind for me and my siblings.
We’re celebrating Legacy on our blog this summer. Feel free to come and linkup.
Coming to you from Grace and Truth Linkup
Aren’t we blessed, Mandy? Thank you for stopping in.
Yes we’re are! Legacy Linkup is live. Come on over
Yay! Heading over.
Many congrats to your parents! It is a big milestone.
Yes it is! Thanks so much, Michelle.
What a lovely tribute to your parents and a brilliant example your parents have set for you. 50 years of marriage is indeed a huge achievement. Hope you all enjoy plenty of celebrations. #GlobalBlogging
Thank you, Sophie.
Happy 50th Anniversary to your parents!!!
Thank you, Danielle.
What a beautiful tribute and powerful legacy!
I am so blessed. Thank you, Karrilee.
Tears. They’re in my eyes right now. What a beautiful love story! I firmly believe that marriage is meant to point us to God, and that’s what your parents’ marriage has done apparently.
Agreed, Ashley. Thank you.
A wonderful tribute which will be their favorite present! My folks both died in the 73rd year of their marriage. A blessed legacy.
73 years. Amazing.
What a lovely post and tribute to them 🙂
My very best wishes for their Anniversay 🙂
Thank you so much.
What a lovely tribute to your great parents. God first and them second. That’s the secret right there.
Thank you for visiting Comedy Plus. It’s nice to meet you.
Have a fabulous day and Happy Anniversary to your parents. ♥
Nice to meet you as well, Sandee. Thank you for returning the visit.
Wow! Lauren, what a beautiful tribute to your parents. Mine just celebrated their 60th last year. We are so blessed to have godly parents that love us and each other. Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements, and say congrats to your parents for me! 🙂
60 years. We are most blessed, Patsy.
Lauren, this is so sweet. What a precisous legacy.
Thank you, Debbie.
That was a beautiful tribute to your parents. Happy Anniversary to both of them!
Have a great day, Lauren!
Thank you, Veronica.
Such a lovely tribute to parents you clearly adore. It is an achievement indeed to make a relationship work for so many years. You brought back very fond memories of my own parents’ 50th anniversary. I was always sad that they missed their 60th by just one month when Mum passed away in 2009. Lovely post. #ABloggingGoodTime
Thank you so much, Kate.
What a beautiful heritage you have of unbroken commitments! That thread lasted in my own family for quite awhile. It’s beautiful when it happens.
Thank you, Lisa.
Beautiful tribute. And hubby and I have been married 48 years.
Congrats, Pamela! Quite an accomplishment in our day and age.
What a lovely post! Happy Anniversary to your parents. My parents had such an amazing marriage right up to ’til death do us part’ sadly. Even then as my Dad was slipping away his main concern was for my Mother and her wellbeing and that just summed their marriage up. #globalblogging
What a loving husband your father was. And what a great example for your generation and beyond.
What a wonderful milestone for them! #GlobalBlogging
Yes. It’s been so much fun to celebrate them.
My parents celebrated 51 years last October, I, Like you, am lucky enough to have not had divorce in my family history, but it takes take patience and kindness and I also think remembering to have fun with one another. Hubby and I celebrated 17 years this year, my brother will celebrate 17 years later this year and my sister is about to celebrate 21 years in November this year. We all have been through hardship and we all have experienced wonderful joy. A lovely tribute!
Kylie, that is quite a family legacy you have.
Happy 50th Anniversary