Jami Amerine, one of my favorite writers, said recently, “If I am losing it beyond the normal parameters of losing it, I write out or say 100 things I am grateful for.” I don’t know about you, but the losing it thing describes me more often than not. Especially in light of 2020. And even this week! Good grief.
Jami calls this exercise a gratitude blitz. You can read what she said about it here. Well, today this sounded like just the thing to kick off a month when many focus on giving thanks. So I am taking a crack at it. Hopefully something you read here will touch you, encourage you, entertain you or motivate you to make your own list. And maybe we will decide – at least for a moment – that things really aren’t that bad.
Today I am grateful for:
- Cheddar cheese flavored Garden Veggie Straws. The bag is sitting right here in my line of sight, and they are delish. Cures my chip craving for 30% less fat. That’s what the bag says anyway.
- A husband working hard in the next room to provide for our family.
- My children. I forget why right this minute, but I love them.
- Jesus. Yes, He should have been first. But my snack tasted so good.
- Beth Moore bible studies. Some friends and I are currently working through Chasing Vines. She is just so good.
- My cute Yorkie Meg.
- Facetime, without which I would not still be able to have long “face to face” conversations with my best friend.
- Noom and the determination to finally start losing some weight.
- A good check-up with my oncologist.
- A mom and sisters who are more like friends.
- Teachers and school administrators who have the hardest job in the world right now.
- The democratic process – even though I still feel conflicted about the vote I cast.
- The Bible. That I can read God’s word every day in more translations than I can shake a stick at (that’s redneck for a lot) is such a gift.
- Half price Sonic drinks when I order on the app. Not a paid advertisement, just a daily refreshment for me.
- Date nights. A chance to get out of the house (socially distanced, of course) and leave my blessed children behind.
- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Without it Shelby would get into a lot more trouble when I’m otherwise engaged.
- Sweet, Christian friends for my youngest.
- Four youngsters that call me Lolli.
- Zoom. Whoever knew I would use it so much?
- My Yoga Lite students who meet with me virtually twice a week.
- A spin bike given me by my mother-in-law that keeps me cardio’d up without wearing a mask at the gym.
- That these Texas temps are getting a little cooler.
- A comfortable bed – even if I don’t sleep as well since menopause.
- This blog, which gives me a creative outlet to talk about Jesus and other things important to me.
- Spellcheck, without which the aforementioned blog would be a dung heap.
- Fellow bloggers, from whom I learn so much.
- Books. I will not reach the bottom of my reading list before heaven. And maybe one day I’ll even write a book – the Lord and publishing houses willing.
- Romantic comedies, because they just feel good.
- My Papa, who is a very good girl daddy.
- My sister’s hand me down car for Allie to wreck. I mean drive!
- Shelby’s unconditional, child-like love.
- Allie’s singing voice.
- My one year old niece. Everyone needs someone or something that cute and sweet to remind you of what’s good in the world.
- Special educators and therapists.
- Fenfluramine, which has worked wonders for Shelby’s seizures and given her better quality of life.
- A wonderful marriage.
- Tylenol and Sudafed for sinus headaches.
- The cute way Shelby pronounces “skunk” to sound like “stunk” and squirrel without the “s”.
- Vegetti made from zucchini to put pasta sauce on.
- Iphones. I can talk, text, post, take pics and videos, read the bible, check my calendar and do my banking all from one little incredibly expensive device.
- My friends, who are often my sanity
- Pretty clothes.
- The Baylor Bears and the Dallas Cowboys. You lose some, you lose some.
- A pastor whose teaching is excellent.
- Podcasts. So informative. So entertaining.
- Bark, that helps me keep an eye on my kid’s digital activity.
- Medical insurance. Since paying for Allie’s broken leg and surgery we owe zero dollars for drugs or doctors for the rest of the year.
- Christmas. I don’t know what it will look like yet, but it’s still my favorite time of the year.
- Air conditioning, ’cause Texas.
- Family hand-me-downs that remind me of sweet family history.
- Fast food. We aren’t using it as often these days, but it’s nice to know it’s there.
- Allie’s smile. It cost a small fortune, but it’s beautiful.
- Plants I have managed not to kill yet.
- The direct avenue I have to God through prayer.
- Hoka tennis shoes.
- Massages and ice packs. Getting old is a you-know-what.
- My hometown.
- A lazy boy recliner that I used to nurse two babies and recover from a double mastectomy. It still supports me every day (please don’t break!).
- A warm cup of flavored coffee.
- Stainless steel tumblers that keep the coffee warm and the water cold. What a modern miracle!
- My Macbook Pro. She was hard to get used to, but once you go Mac, you never go back.
- Hair dye and a talented colorist. No one wants to see me without either.
- Nail salons. Connecting mothers and daughters when nothing else can. (If you own a salon, you are welcome to use that slogan!)
- Hamilton. If you don’t know why, WATCH IT!
- An old, flawed and outdated home. But it’s mine (and the bank’s).
- No car payments.
- Saving daily Facebook memories in my camera roll to reminisce over dinner with family.
- Funny memes
- Laughing out loud.
- Everything bagel seasoning. It…is…everything.
- T-shirt dresses and cozy joggers.
- Sleeping late.
- Word search puzzles.
- Balderdash, PassWord and Taboo
- The unlimited grace God gives to me, a sinner.
- The hope of heaven.
- My wedding ring, second edition (I lost the diamond from the first.)
- My charm bracelet. So many gifts. So many momentos.
- Opportunities to cheer my kids on.
- Fall.
- Getting presents.
- Papermate Flair Pens in multiple colors.
- A new crockpot that cooks at the proper temperature.
- That it’s homemade chicken noodle soup season.
- Clearance racks.
- That I get to “wife” and “mom”.
- A family legacy of faith.
- The unmerited love of God.
- The beauty of creation.
- A second generation of the same family that is now serving as caregiver to Shelby. The help is much appreciated and these ladies are a blessing.
- 80’s pop.
- 90’s country.
- Kitchen gadgets I don’t even know the name of that help me brown ground meat and finely dice onion.
- The Keurig
- Blog link-ups. To share my work and engage with others.
- Online shopping.
- Also, boutiques and thrift stores.
- Do not call lists.
- Charities like The Tim Tebow Foundation, International Justice Mission, The Epilepsy Foundation and Make a Wish
- You, the reader, if you are still here!
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17 NIV
And now for this week’s featured post!
What Do You Mean When You Say You Believe? by Michele Morin is an important post. As a writer, I put a lot of importance on words, but the weight we put on the word “believe” when it comes to God has eternal consequences. Visit Michele at Living our Days.
1. Share 1 or 2 of your most recent CHRISTIAN LIVING posts. (No DIY, crafts, recipes, or inappropriate articles.) All links are randomly sorted.
2. Comment on 1 or 2 other links. Grace & Truth linkup encourages community.
3. Every host features one entry from the previous week. To be featured, include this button or link back here on your post (mandatory to be featured, but not to participate).
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MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
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LISA BURGESS – Lisa notes
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Lauren, what an awesome way to begin November. I LOVED so many items on your list. God has ways of filling our lives with big and little things to remind us of His love for us, doesn’t He?
God is good. Thank you, Jeanne.
What an excellent spiritual discipline.
Thankful for YOU, too!
You are so sweet, Michele!
And so honored to be featured here this week!
Honored to feature you!
Lauren so simple yet so profound. I’m ashamed that given this assignment I would give the same torturous looks my kids gave me when I homeschooled them and they didn’t like the assignment. To my shame I would struggle to write 100 things all at once…..UGH. I LOVE your list, so transparent, so real, so genuinely awesome!
I thought I would struggle to come up with 100, but it was actually fun!
What a great list, Lauren! I’m definitely checking out those cheddar veggie straws. The ranch flavored one are good, too! 🙂
I am so picky about my ranch that I can’t make myself try those. Thanks for reading, Donna.
Great pictures, and I love your list. I did a 100 items gratitude list a few years back, and it took a lot more bran-power than I thought it would. Nicely done!
Thanks so much, Jed. I appreciate you visiting!
A Gratitude blitz! I love it!
Thanks, Barbara! It was fun.
I have a book of the wonderful things the Lord does for me but I don’t add daily. It’s a comfort to look back and see how He touches my life even when I’m not looking.
Patricia, that’s one thing I don’t do often enough – go back and look at the history of God’s faithfulness.
Love this – it can seem so difficult at first to write down 100 things you love, but I bet it comes easier as you are writing!
Jenna ♥
Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin
Yes, Jenna. It was really kinda fun.
I relate to SO many of these myself, Lauren. And #61…once I got used to my Mac, I made a commitment for life because I love it so much. 🙂
Michele’s posts are always good. She is a prolific reader and writer that makes me want to read more.
I agree about the Mac and Michele!
I love Veggie Straws but haven’t see cheddar ones; my go to flavor are the ranch ones. I literally laughed out loud on the hand me down car line; that’s sort of how I feel about my son getting his grandfather’s old car. My son is an excellent driver but I am a bit worried about all those other distracted drivers out there (and how soon it will be before he’s just as confident to be another distracted driver).
That confidence comes so fast. My daughter blew right past the timid stage!
Wow! Lauren what a great exercise! Our book club are reading through Chasing Vines at the moment & it’s actually turned into a bible study! We’re doing 2 chapters per month.
Jennifer, I hope you get as much out of Chasing Vines as I have!
Thanks for sharing “a few of your favorite things”.
Years ago I read 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp where she taught about the importance of finding gratitude in all things, from the simplest to the most profound. It truly does a lot in re-wiring our brains to focus on the good gifts of God which come in all shapes and sizes.
I loved that book, Karen. It was transformational to me.
What a wonderful practice in gratitude. Perfect for this Thanksgiving month. I wonder how long it would take me to come up with 100 things I am grateful for. I am going to time it to see.
I should have timed mine! Please let me know after you do yours. I’m so curious.
Aw, Lauren … your list made me smile and laugh when I read it last week, and now again today. So many things to be thankful for this time of year, even this year. 🙂
There really is still a lot to be thankful for.
Wow. That is some list, Lauren! It is amazing to think of how much we have to be grateful for when we stop and think. Thank you for sharing these thoughts of reflection. I hope you and yours have an amazing Thanksgiving. Be well. God bless.
Thank you, Horace. Same to you!
Lauren, hi! And thank you so much for modeling how to overflow with a thankful heart by putting pen to paper.
We have so much to be grateful for, even and especially in this difficult season.
Bless you!
You are so right, Linda. We do.
I loved this post Lauren. It reminds me of why we’re friends, we have so much in common.
Yay! Thanks, Cindy.
Lauren, I loved this post! I enjoyed reading the things you are grateful for – and I think the idea of a Gratitude Blitz is just fantastic. I always thought I was grateful, but the pandemic has taught me there were a lot of things I took for granted. Thank you fro sharing this post and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party community. I’m featuring this post at the party this week. Hope to ‘see’ you there! Take care, stay well, and I wish you a week full of things to be grateful for!
Thank you so much, April! And I’m so honored to be featured!