It’s National Let’s Laugh Day! Who needs to celebrate? I have a story for you that will make you laugh – most likely at me. But I’m okay with that!
A few months ago I told y’all (here) about going on vacation with my best friend and her family. The trip, though not without glitches, was glorious as was the amish friendship bread she made from the starters she brought with her. I didn’t want a starter. When you add my age to my goals, it does not equal cinnamon and sugar carbs. I still don’t know the “new math”, but I know that doesn’t add up. Alas, my husband and daughter batted their pretty eyes at me and I took one home. I fed it and mushed it all week as the instructions stated, and then came baking day.
Finding four unsuspecting chumps, I mean friends, to take bread starters did not tickle my fancy. So my husband and daughter convinced me to bake ALL the dough to freeze or give away in lieu of trashing the remaining 4 cups of dough. It was a simpler, more innocent time. I calculated that the 10 loaves of bread – yes you read that right – required me to quintuple the recipe and practically turn my kitchen into a commercial bakery.
As I started mixing ingredients, I ended up with a concoction demanding 15 eggs, 10 cups of flour, 5 boxes of pudding mix, etc., etc. The monstrous mass demanded an upgrade to a bigger mixing bowl not once, but twice. The one you see here in the picture is actually a cake topper. I sent my husband to the grocery store not once, but twice. It took all the strength in my biceps, as well as my husband’s to get it all mixed up. I almost gave up once, but my husband exclaimed, “We’re over $20 deep into this bread now!” So I persevered.
Tired and fully expecting a flop at this point, I squeezed the batter into 8 loaves instead of 10 and cooked them 4 at a time. The first four loaves all stuck to the bottom. The last four looked better. Although a little heavy, they still tasted good. So my crew demolished and froze the ugly ones and I gave the pretty(er) ones away. And then I cleaned up the disaster that was my kitchen. It took two days to get all the glue – I mean dough – off my countertops.
I read the recipe thoroughly. But because I chose not to do “exactly” what it said, my product was not “exactly” what it should be. This reminded me of how things usually turn out when I choose to try my own thing instead of following God’s holy instruction book.
The Bible, gets a bad rap when it is described as a list of do’s and don’ts . 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us, “All Scripture is [a]inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for [b]training in righteousness;” NASB God’s commands are not meant to restrict us, but to protect us. They don’t deny us, they give us fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). Because God loves and us wants what’s best for us, he gives us guidance on how to live. When we don’t follow it, or only adhere to the parts that sound good to us, we face much bigger disasters than my bread.
“But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.” James 1:22 NASB
Now keep celebrating this made up, but worthwhile holiday. Read a funny book, watch a comedy, play a game of Balderdash or Awkward Family Photos, or plan a date (even if it’s on FaceTime) with that friend who makes your drink come out of your nose.
And now it’s time for this week’s featured post!
I had such a hard time picking just one post to feature highlight this week. I hope you will revisit last week’s link up and read several posts if you haven’t already. But Karen of acted as a balm for my soul. The anti-biblical rhetoric I hear spewed on repeat of late makes me want to dive under my covers and never come out. But Blessings in the Shadows of the Almighty’s Wings comforted me with reminders of his protection and shelter for me and mine.
Now for this week’s link-up! Let’s bless and encourage one another in our walk with the Lord.
Grace & Truth exists to point people to Jesus! We hope this link-up will be a source of encouragement every week. If you’re a blogger, we hope you’ll use this space as a way to meet new friends within the Christian blogging community. If you’re a reader, we hope that you’ll encounter new bloggers that love Jesus as much as you do! Most of all, we hope you’ll meet Jesus here.
Join us each Friday for the Grace and Truth Link-Up!
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Heather Hart & Valerie Riese
Maree Dee
Lauren Sparks
Lisa Burgess
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3.) Visit 1-2 other links and leave a meaningful comment! We want to encourage community among us, so please don’t link and run!
4.) We sort all links randomly – feel free to link as early or as late as you’d like. The playing field is even!
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6.) Each host will choose one link to emphasize and promote via their social media channels next week.
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Lauren, you definitely had me smiling. I haven’t made Amish friendship bread in years. Going gluten-free almost 20 years ago may have a wee bit to do with that sad reality. But, I grinned at your misadventure with bread. It sounds like your family is good at going with the flow. I admire you for baking that much bread!!
Thank you for the reminder that when we do things according to God’s word rather than what we think is best, things do tend to go better. Have a great weekend!
Thanks so much, Jeanne!
Your story made me laugh today. Thank you!
Before we realized our four of six of us were gluten intolerant, I adored Amish Friendship bread and considered undertaking your valiant effort. My admiration runs deep–both for your storytelling capacity and perseverance with bread dough (batter?).
Oh, I have no beef with how Amish friendship bread tastes, it’s just the keeping it going part…
You made me laugh today! Thank you. Not only do I admire your sense of humor, but your perseverance and culinary skills.
Ha! Thanks so much, Tammy. It takes a lot of talent to make that big of a mess!
Lauren, thanks for highlighting my post. Let’s resolve to remain under the Almighty’s wings for refuge, rest, and renewal.
It was my privilege, Karen. You are such a talented and thought-provoking author. And I”m so thankful for His protective wings!
You are bold and brave! I don’t even want to try that until ALL the boys are out of my nest! Remember how in the 90s/maybe 2000s high schools had classes where you’d have a baby doll that demanded to be fed and changed? How you responded determined whether the baby survived and you passed a class? That is what a starter dough sounds like to me! LOL Thanks for the smile! It’s a good way for me to start my week – because last week was all about challenges to smile!
ha! That’s a hilarious way to describe a starter! Definitely not my thing.
I have a sourdough starter that I have been keeping alive (sometimes just barely) for over 10 years. It’s like having billions of little pets who I need to feed and keep comfortable. I love how you turned your sourdough adventure into a lesson about God’s love and guidance!
10 Years? Wow. You’re my bread baking hero!
You are a trooper to make all that bread. I am impressed!
A trooper? Or twisted individual? ha!
Lauren, this was so fun to read…even if I chuckled at your expense. But I only chuckled because I know all too well how kitchen mishaps can lead to life lessons! I generally do not follow the recipe instructions either and always end up with not exactly what I set out to do! This part of your post really resonated with me…”God’s commands are not meant to restrict us, but to protect us.” Now if I could only get my children to understand the same about my commands! They are not meant to restrict them from having fun but rather to protect them from unnecessary risks and harm. Thanks for sharing your story and linking with me!
If someone figures out how to translate that from parentese to child they could make a fortune!
I love how you can laugh at yourself — and these days we ALL need a good dose of laughter! Like you, I am prone to veer off the prescribed directions and do a bit of “my own thing.” The end result is that things — be they Amish bread or life experiences don’t turn out so well. God gives us a beautiful picture to color — He only asks that we color (using our own creativity) within the lines He has drawn. Great post!
Bev xx
Thanks, Bev! I love the coloring illustration. Thanks for sharing.
Lauren, you definitely made me smile. I’ve often got a good giggle from seeing the awkward family photos online. Thank you for your great lesson within. Blessings.
Blessings to you, Paula!
What a perfect illustration! I loved this story, but more importantly what we learn from it!
Thanks, Rebecca. That’s so kind.
You brought memories of making Friendship bread when my girls were at home! They loved it! You had me smiling & nodding my head in agreement Lauren, it’s a messy business! 😀
Thanks so much for going along on the ride with me, Jennifer!
Your story made me laugh! I haven’t been ‘gifted’ with Amish friendship bread in quite awhile–I’m surprised it’s still making the rounds 20 years after I first heard of it! I, too, fail to follow instructions exactly at times…and of course, the results don’t turn out exactly like the picture, either. Have you ever watched Nailed It?
I have never watched Nailed it, but have laughed hysterically at the photos on social media!