On the very first day of the month we invited one of our favorite couples over for game night. They brought dinner. We provided Celebrity Throw Down! and Code Names. The later is one of our current faves. So fun to play.
A couple of days later, my two yoga classes went live. I have been leading them over Zoom for months, but now teach a hybrid format – some participants in person and some online. This is quite a challenge, but one I’m thankful to be figuring out. If a chair yoga class geared toward seniors sounds interesting to you, click this link to join my live class on Tuesdays at 1pm or choose a pre-recorded class to practice at your convenience! I am unable to share the hatha mat class.
I spent my mother’s day a little stressed over some unfortunate family dynamics, but I got to see my mom. That makes a lot of things better. And seeing my dad, grandad and sister makes for a pretty good day, too. If you think about it, I would love some prayers for a tough situation in my clan. God knows and I appreciate you talking to Him about it.
My husband went out of town for a few days and my 16 year old had 3 AP exams. That makes for even more stress. But we survived and persevere. That same 16 year old got her first vaccine so we are one shot away from the whole family being vaxxed! Yay! She gave her last choir performance, had her end of year choir banquet, camped out with some of the youth from church and sailed through her final week of school.
For a little light escapism, the hubs and I watched Sesame Street: 50 Years of Sunny Days with my 20 year old daughter. She very much loves still loves Elmo and the whole gang. We are in process with Big Shot on Disney+, a nice family show with John Stamos as a hot tempered NCAA basketball coach (aka Bobby Knight) who is banned. He can only get a coaching gig with a girl’s team at the private high school. My only advice to the show runners – don’t have Stamos jog anymore. It’s awkward.
We watched Without Remorse on Amazon Prime. Lots of action and Michael B. Jordan! I don’t even think Chuck fell asleep once! That’s saying a lot. We tried Shrill on Hulu and quit it in a matter of minutes due to language and a scene that I hope I can one day scrub from my mind. We quickly gave up on Dickinson on Apple+ too. As a writer, I wanted it to work. But alas… We went to an actual theater to see Triumph. I love just about any overcomer movie and this one about a boy with CP is a heart warmer. My daughter Allie and I (what?) decided to binge together the very light hearted and silly Baby Daddy. It’s an old school sitcom and those just seem to be my favorite.
I read Maggie’s War by Terrie Todd. My mom, who likes to read in bed at night, passed it on to me. She tears paperbacks apart so she can comfortably lay on her side with a section at a time. Yes, she’s a librarian…tearing books. And after she finishes, she rubber bands all the dismantled sections together and passes it to me. Although it this point, I can’t imagine chopping a book up myself, I have to admit I don’t mind reading them this way. I can throw a small section of a book in my purse and off I go!
I checked out When Breath Becomes Air on ebook from the library. I can’t remember who recommended it to me, but I can’t really recommend it to you. Paul Kalanithi is a beautiful writer and obviously extremely intelligent, but I’m not sure how someone who says he is a believer can grapple with the meaning of life and death without talking about God or an afterlife. For this reason it fell very flat for me.
The last thing I’ll share, my husband and I took another couple to the drive in movie theater for a simulcast Bon Jovi concert. In the rain. So we watched and listened inside our truck – even running the battery down and having to get a jump in the middle of the show. But some good company and tunes made the evening a win.
That’s it for May. I hope you cruise into June and enjoy the start of your summer. And as always, I love you, I thank you, and I hope next month treats you well.
And now for this week’s featured link up post!
Back in January, I shared with you that my word for the year is trust. Barbara Lee Harper of Stray Thoughts: A Home for the Stray Thoughts of an Ordinary Christian Woman hit on the #1 thing I struggle to trust God with in this season – my children. Read Trusting God for Our Children’s Safety for an interesting perspective.
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3. Every host features one entry from the previous week. To be featured, include this button or link back here on your post (mandatory to be featured, but not to participate).
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MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
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LISA BURGESS – Lisa notes
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We love games–or rather, my kids and I do. My husband will play sometimes but often watches–or dozes. I haven’t heard of those, but Codenames sounds fun.
I had to chuckle about your husband staying awake for a whole movie–my husband often falls asleep when we watch anything, too.
I’ve read one of Terrie Todd’s books, and I have Maggie’s War on my Kindle app. I look forward to reading it some time.
I’m sorry about the situation in your family. I just took a moment to pray about it.
Thanks for featuring my post. I’m finding that it’s still a struggle to trust God for our kids even when they move out. But that keeps us dependent on Him–a good thing.
It was a privilege to feature you this week. I felt a lot of kinship with you just reading it. And thank you so much for the prayers. It means more than you could know.
Thank you for the party.
Thanks for participating, Amy.
It sounds like your family has had a very busy season, Lauren! I pray the Lord would give you wisdom about your family situation. And I pray for abounding grace, much love, and His peace to guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
Thanks for the book and movie recommendations.
Thank you for these prayers. Exactly what I needed, Lisa.
Prayed for your family situation Lauren. 😀
Bless you,
You will never know how much that means to me. Thank you, Jennifer.
Whew! I’m worn out! What a busy month you’ve had – and what a sweet list of big and little things! Congratulations on The Big Stuff. I cannot imagine tearing books apart – I love reading from the old, vintage books that smell like an old library! Makes my heart kind of melt! Praying that God resolves the challenge – and that you find abundant blessing as you wait for the resolution!
Thank you for that prayer, Maryleigh. I appreciate it so much.
Prayed just now for that disturbing family situation.
Really appreciate the film and book recommendations!
Your prayers mean more than you will ever know, Michele. Thank you.
Sounds like May was a very full month. Just prayed for your family situation. May God resolve every detail and bring His peace to your family.
Thank you for that prayer, Joanne. It means so much to know others are praying.
That sounds like a great month! Our school canceled all midterms and final exams this year but we still have a few more weeks of schooling to slog through though.
Good luck and God speed to the end of school!
I am sorry to hear that it has been a stressful month for you, my friend. Sending lots of prayers and positive energy out for you!
Thank you so much for those prayers. We need them!