I am so ready to pray with you today and bring 2 Timothy 4:5 * for your consideration. God showed me this verse three years ago and has prompted me to pray it over myself every week since. It’s deeply personal, but I feel compelled to share it with you now.
The text:
But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
Paul included this instruction in a letter to his friend and fellow missionary Peter. But it became God’s call on my life during a very difficult season. I had no idea then the greater difficulties to come, but still feel God challenging me through this passage today. And so I pray:
Don’t forget to replace the pronouns with the appropriate ones for the person (or yourself) that you are praying for.
Praying for you in this. And don’t forget to share this on social media or with a friend who could benefit. It would mean so much to me. And if you don’t want to miss a Praying God’s Word Wednesday, subscribe over on the right hand side of this page.
* Passage from the NASB1995 version.
About camping out on a passage for a while?
Pure truth…
…and I say Amen to your prayer.
Thank you for praying along, Debby!
LOVE this series, Lauren thank you!!
I’m so glad you are getting something out of it. My prayers are being answered.
Thank you for this!
Thanks for praying along, Lynn!
It’s amazing how a verse can stick with us for years. You have blessed me with these Wednesday posts.
So kind of you to say, Joanne. Thank you.
I love a good book to escape with. It can help me step away from a problem so that maybe when I return to it, I can look at it with fresh eyes – but I’ve learned I cannot camp out there. It’s only with God that I can face, handle and move through that which I long to be done with. I love what you are doing with Wednesdays, Lauren! Such blessing!
I totally get what you are saying, Maryleigh. And thank you so much!
Lauren, I love this series. Sometimes God sure does make a verse jump out at us, sometimes leaving it for us to reflect on it for quite some time. Blessings.
I’m so thankful you are enjoying it! Thank you, Paula.
It’s amazing how a scripture we’ve known for years can suddenly come to life in a new way with a new situation. I love praying scripture. This verse is a great one to pray.
It’s living and active. Amen?
A prayer God delights to hear. I am praying with you.
Thank you for joining your prayers with mine! Where two or three…
Lauren, I appreciate you sharing about prayer. You stated this insight, “I’m learning in this journey that sometimes, God wants me to camp out on a passage for a while.”
Lisa – Visiting from Grammys Grid World Religions #7 – My post is #4 & #5
Thank you so much for visiting, Lisa, and for your kind comments.
Beautiful prayer, Lauren. I do believe that God will continue giving us hints until we get the lesson! I often find myself presented with the same growth opportunities over and over again because I clearly did not get it the first, second, third time. Like you, there are many divine lessons that I find myself saying “Maybe someday I’ll get it!” And we will get it because we leave our hearts and minds open to receive blessings of this sort. Thanks for linking with me.
I’m so glad God is patient. He definitely has to teach me things over and over!