Last October, I was still in the middle of breast cancer treatments. I had graduated from the worst of the chemo, but still sat for mini-infusions every third week and had one more surgery to go. Although I was thankful for the good prognosis, it was still a little too raw and emotional to celebrate. Now, Breast Cancer Awareness month has come and almost gone again. I wrote about the disease and the journey ad nauseam last year (You know. You read about it ad nauseam.). If you want to read some of the highlights, you can catch them here, here, here and here and here. So I’ve been a little silent this year. More contemplative.
Breast cancer leaves visual and emotional marks in it’s wake. Some I will live with for the rest of my life. But it left me with gratitude as well. For life, for health, for so many things. So I’m done low-keying it. I’m leaving awareness month with a bang. I get the privilege of guest posting over on the Fort Worth Mom’s Blog today. I hope you will click over and show them some love for allowing me to tell a piece of my story on a disease that touches so many of us. I don’t want to say, “Happy Breast Cancer Awareness Month”. That doesn’t sit well – just observe it.
And it’s Friday. You might as well go do something fun…after you read the article! Click on the title below.