I don’t know where these “lazy days of summer” other people speak of are. If you see one can you send it my way? I hate to continue a theme by complaining about the busyness of June like I did in May, but good gravy!

We kicked off the month with a low-key official celebration of my mom and dad’s 50th wedding anniversary with family and friends. I wrote a letter to them. If you missed it you can catch it here. And that same night my youngest bussed to Colorado for Student Life camp with our church. While she enjoyed fun days and cooler temps, I adjusted to driving Shelby, my special abilities daughter, to dayhab so I could work. Instead of the school bus picking her up in our driveway, I added about 2 and a half hours of driving to each day with the drive. Talk about a grind! Thankfully after Shelby enjoyed a week at Camp Summit (which is a hoot for her and much needed respite from caregiving for my husband and me), we were able to get her insurance to cover a brand new facility closer to home. A darling little church opened their doors to this much-needed ministry to families like ours and I could not be more grateful. The first morning at Ability Connections I plugged the address into my navigation app and breathed a huge sigh of relief at the 10 minute drive time.
Mid-month we enjoyed a visit from the oldest and his family. At 45 I am young(ish) to have 4 grandchildren and for this I am thankful. I might or might not still be recovering from all the fun. While they were still in town, my 14 year old Allie left to spend a week volunteering with children’s choir camp at my mom and dad’s church. Allie attended this camp for as many years as she was eligible and loves it so much she still wants to be involved – especially now that her younger cousins are old enough to go. After their final production Allie came home on a Sunday and started volunteering at our church’s Active Camp (like a sports version of VBS) the next day.
In between all her church activities and other social butterflyesque adventures, Allie is working toward her goal of playing volleyball for her high school next year. These “strongly encouraged” endeavors include conditioning 3 days a week at 8am in a cross-fit-type gym where making it through the 90 plus minutes without throwing up is a major accomplishment. She is also attending “optional” clinics with the high school coach, clinics at her old volleyball club, sand volleyball and private lessons. In our uber competitive area, if she doesn’t make a team it will not be from lack of effort but strength of competition. Side note: After typing all that out I need to go take a nap.
While my steady, hard-working husband is adjusting to a demanding new job (which we are so thankful for) I am shuttling, coordinating rides and trying to hold down my two part time jobs. I also began attending a new class at our church called “Intro to Biblical Counseling”. We are using Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change by Paul David Tripp for curriculum. I cannot recommend this book enough. I must admit that calling what is being taught “counseling” makes me a little uncomfortable. During a time of great need I sought the support of a Christian Licensed Professional Counselor and have a great deal of respect for the training and expertise it takes to walk someone through life’s traumas. I prefer the book’s label of “personal ministry”. My goal in taking part in the course is to learn ways to be a better friend to those I come in contact with as I point them to Jesus.
I do have some book recs from this month, too. Although not nearly as many as last month. Prototype: What Happens When You Discover You’re More Like Jesus Than You Think? by Jonathan Martin and Peter Scazzero’s Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: It’s Impossible to Be Spiritually Mature, While Remaining Emotionally Immature. Both messages of encouragement and inspiration for the believer. And to dumb myself down between challenging reads I indulge in a free subscription to People magazine. Don’t judge. I wouldn’t pay for it but somehow it keeps coming to my mailbox. And the latest picture of Prince Harry and Meghan doesn’t tax my brain.
On the boob tube, I’ve been savoring the last few episodes of Life in Pieces. If you have yet to discover it, this is the last season. And it is truly one of the funniest shows on television. My husband, teenager and I (an activity all together? Yes, it can happen) watched the movie Passengers – sort of a last man on earth without the earth. Pretty good. I’ve been catching up on my usual podcasts, but tried a new one that has lots of potential. The team at Family Ghosts unearths and investigates tall tales and hidden secrets within families. I love history and I love family. These stand-alone episodes have plenty of both. One word of caution, I am very sensitive (read prudish) when it comes to language so I delete the episodes labeled explicit so I cannot speak to the appropriateness or lack there of for those.
I have one final recommendation and it’s an audio book. You can read it, but I think you might be doing yourself a disservice. I Ain’t Doin’ It: Unfiltered Thoughts From a Sarcastic Southern Sweetheart by Heather Land almost made me wet myself from laughter. If you’ve got a summer road trip coming up, get into it!
I close with a request. It would be inauthentic of me to tell you about my month without telling you that I am struggling with parenting my teen. I am poured out, worn out, and plum out of ideas. To get very real, I’ve spent the better part of this week in tears. I’m being broken and humbled and driven to my knees and I plead with you to pray for me. And if there is anything I can pray for you about, email me at [email protected]. I would consider it an honor. Love you, thank you, and hope July treats you well.
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And look up these great writers I link up with every week:
InstaEncouragements, Literacy Musing Mondays, Hello…Monday,
Dream Team link up, The Good. The Random. The Fun.
BloggerClubUK, Tea and Word Tuesday, Purposeful Faith,
GraceFull Tuesday Link-Up, Different Dream,
Let’s Have Coffee, Welcome Wednesday, Recharge Wednesday,
Worth Beyond Rubies, #TellHisStory Link Up, Porch Stories,
Encouraging Word Wednesday, Tune In Thursday,
Stories of Hope, Moments of Hope, IHeart Verse Link Party,
A Blogging Good Time, Fresh Market Friday, Feature Friday Time,
Friendship Friday Blog Hop, Faith on Fire, Traffic Jam Weekend,
Faith ‘n Friends, Dancing with Jesus, Grace & Truth, Booknificent
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