“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” Romans 8:26-27 NIV
The preacher at my church dissected these verses at church Sunday morning. In the 32 years I have been walking, sometimes limping, with the Lord, I have read this passage of the Bible many times. It strikes me fresh this week, though, as the living Word of God often does. Probably because I have no EARTHLY idea how to pray for a situation in my life right now. I know I have written here about everything from special education to boob tatoos, but today I must remain vague because this issue involves others. Suffice it to say, the situation is hard. And I’m uncertain if I should pray for the situation to continue but the hearts and environment to change, OR if I should pray for the current state of things to end and new things begin! As my high school basketball coach used to say, “Was that all clear as mud?” I feel like I’m vaguebooking here, but I promise I’m getting to a point.
I have always viewed the Romans 8 teachings through the lens of intense tragedy and suffering. I guess it’s the “wordless groans” part. Seems like what comes out when I am sobbing uncontrollably. Real weeping and gnashing of teeth stuff. My interpretation until just this week – when God’s people are so distraught that they can’t form words to pray, the Holy Spirit swoops in to save the day. Um, I’m embarrassed to say that’s not even close. The scripture says it’s the Holy Spirit using the wordless groans. And it doesn’t say this happens when we CAN’T pray, but when we don’t know what to pray. Like me. Right now.
I am stunned. If you are thinking, “Well, duh. All you have to do is read,” hang with me a little longer. The next part of the passage says the Spirit intercedes “in accordance with the will of God.” Hmmm. New revelations! When I have words, but they are the wrong words, the Spirit helps then too! When my human nature gets in the way and desires what’s not in line with God’s best in any given situation, the Holy Spirit helps align my feelings and desires with God’s will. That is often. And that is huge!
My wheels are really spinning now. Not knowing how to pray reminds me how often I come before my Heavenly Father with a “set” agenda. I think I know exactly what needs to happen to fix me…or her…or that circumstance. And that’s what I ask for. Man, that’s a whole lot of arrogance coming from someone who can’t even decide if she’s on a diet from one day to the next. In some areas of my life, I approach prayer as some kind of puppet master pulling strings in my quiet time. It’s so preposterous that I can’t believe I haven’t seen it – and repented of it sooner.
I’m so very thankful that I serve a God who knows so much better than my feeble, limited mind. And that when I’m at a loss, or when I’m just wrong, His Holy Spirit steps up to the plate. What a load off.
Wow! What a well-written, insightful post. I almost always think I know best too. I am so smart, how could I not know best? The truth is, I slow down healing and true prayer with my know-it-all attitude. Thanks for the reminder. I need them constantly!
Of course we are smart. Except when we aren’t. Ha. So thankful He is God and I am not! Thanks for reading, Laurie.
Great post. And I’m in the same valley – praying for daughters always includes praying for boys. Lord, have mercy. So, Lord, you know best. May I rest!
PS Am I on a diet today if I only ate the frosting and not the cake??
The frosting is the best part, Sue! Thanks for reading.
Hi Lauren,
This lesson is a hard one for us prayer control freaks! Winking… Lol!
Years ago I read a book on Wisdom, I can’t remember who by now but I remember the lesson in it because it was like a slap, a big slap!
The lesson;
Jesus often prayed “your will be done Father” in whatever the situation He was talking to Our heavenly Father about… even included it in the Lord’s prayer…thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Since this lesson I have learnt that we can plan/pray all things but God’s Will will be done as Proverbs 19:21 clearly tells us. So when we pray for a situation we can pay for God’s will to be done….& whatever that is it will be done… ah such peace…
You’re always welcome to drop by for a cuppa,
So true, Jennifer. Thanks for reading and commenting.
What a powerful reminder. It’s all about surrender, isn’t it? Praying and trusting God is with us and that He is able to work in all circumstances. Too often I take my eyes off Him while I wrestle with the situation – when through prayer I can keep my focus on Him and ask Him to guide the way. Thanks so much for this!
Such excellent points, Deb. Thank you.
I have always thought of this passage the way you did too. It may take me a bit to wrap myself around a different way of thinking about it. I
ps and I don’t think you are a prayer dummy – a prayer disciple, like us all!
Thanks, Sue.
I think this is really well-written, lady!
Hope you are having a happy Tuesday!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thank you, Ashley.
We are all prayer dummies aren’t we? The pray warriors are warriors because they recognize this; they don’t pray out of their own agenda but as the Spirit leads.
Thanks for this reminder.
Good point. Thanks!
Great post! I too am learning real heart prayer isn’t about me yakking. More often lately, I skip the words entirely and just bring to my mind’s eye a person and bring them before the Lord. He knows. When my hurt is super heavy, I imagine carrying the broken person up a hill, trudging to where Jesus is. Then I lay them in his arms for healing. Something about this exercise helps me to let go of the things outside my control, and place my trust where it belongs.
There is so much wisdom in your practice, Kit. I love this. Thank you for sharing with me.
Lauren, hi! That Romans passage right at the top frees us up to simply sit with God with what is true about us, what we’re burdened for. No words are necessary for He sees our hearts.
What freedom, what a privilege to leave outcomes in His most capable hands …
Oh, it is a privilege. Thanks, Linda.
Right on target for my line of thinking right now as we stand in the shadow of the death of a close friend who was prayed for over and over and over… yet…. It brings me back to so many of the same Qs about prayer. We spend way way too much time telling God about the situation and then laying out possible solutions that would be best from our point of view. What a colossal waste of time, right? I mean, it’s like God needs our help in (A) understanding the situation and (B) figuring out what to do about it?? i don’t think so. so yeah, I get right where you are coming from and appreciate you highlighting the part of that verse about the HS helping us when we dont know what to pray… I’ve heard that interpreted like you have too… that it’s at the height of our distress that he comes to help, rather than helping us in times when we’re confused. whew! that’s good stuff! Thanks for the pick-me-up!
Hi Karen. The way I see it, it’s ok to tell Him what we want. He knows anyway. But to your point, spending the majority of our time there might not be the most beneficial. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and will be praying for your grief today.
Wow! I used to think those verses meant the same thing you did as far as when we are distraught, but indeed, it is the Holy Spirit who groans and prays when we do know how to pray. Oh what a great God we have, that even when we struggle in prayer, He steps in and prays on our behalf, according to God’s will and to coach us along.
He provides EVERYTHING for us, even our prayers.
Praise God!
Thanks for sharing!
I LOVE the thought that He provides even our prayers. Thank you, Karen.
Great post! A lesson I have thought I understood and fail to remember when I don’t know how to pray. I like to know what I am doing but I just don’t always have that all together. Thanks for reminding me of the power of the Spirit. I love the groanings because they are wordless to me but not to God.
Oh I love the idea that the groanings are not wordless to God. Thank you, Linda.
Lauren, your post is beautifully honest. So many people can identify with your feelings! Sharing this on Pinterest and Twitter, friend. Blessings to you!
Thank u Sarah. And for sharing!
Beautifully put! I really enjoyed reading this today.
Thank u.
I enjoyed your post. I pray that God will give you confidence that He has the situation that is heavy on your heart. I love this verse as it reminds me that God is good. He knows our desire for His participation and takes our confusion and counts the attempt at prayer for us. The Holy Spirit is good. Thanks for sharing.
He is good. Thank you, Kevin.
Hi Lauren,
God’s Word may not have the particular tangible answer to our particular situation, but if we lean into Him, reading His Word, praying, and filtering our decisions through that process – we can rest in peace with the decision we make because we can know it is within the will of God. What a gift!
I’m praying for you and the situation you are facing!
Thanks, Lori.