At a party this weekend, I watched in awe and fascination as a friend lopped the bottom off of her cupcake and placed it on top of the icing to make a cupcake sandwich. Mind blown! Have you seen this? It makes the cupcake so much easier and less messy to eat. Now THAT’s a useful life hack. Unlike this:
Who is ever going to use an office clip binder to cover the head of a razor? I need more USEFUL life hacks. Lots of them, because my life is about to get a whole lotta complicated.
For years friends and family members have suggested that I should write a book. My response? “I don’t have enough material for an entire book.” or “I have no idea what I would even write about.” But the times, they are a changing. Although I still doubt whether I can intelligently pen an entire book’s worth, I feel a calling to try. Several months ago, everything started to sound like a book idea to me. And now it’s all I can think about. But here’s the rub; I’m terrified. I started this blog 6 years ago because, as my friend author Jen Bleakley says, “I make sense of my world by turning feelings into words, and experiences into sentences.” And writing this blog is comfortable for me now. I love the form of self-expression and the way it allows me to connect and communicate with so many of you. I love the platform it gives me to tell others about Jesus. To continue to write nothing but this forever would be a very safe and happy place for me. Except that I feel God’s calling to more.
Do you remember the Prayer of Jabez? 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 wasn’t an often studied or taught passage of scripture until Bruce Wilkinson’s book hit the shelves in 2000 and created a stir. Jabez prayed, “Oh that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory!” I believe a book is the way God will enlarge my territory. The way I can reach a greater audience. I don’t want to write a book because I think I have something amazing to say that the world must hear, but I do believe telling our stories is the way we share Jesus with others. In Un-Afraid, my new author friend Carey Wiggins Scott’s latest book, she says, “authenticity turns beneficial when we do two things: 1) When we tell truth about the storms we’re currently facing (or have faced). 2) And when we also share how God is working in them or through them to calm the waters (or how we are waiting for Him to intervene). People need truth and they also need hope. And when you’re a Jesus-girl, the under-current of your authenticity is always anchored in the hope of Jesus.” I’ve never before seen a more perfect written description of my calling in God’s Kingdom.
Hebrews 10:36 NIV says, “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God you will receive what he has promised.” We know the will of God is for us to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15 NIV The written word is the gift He’s allowing me to use to do it. And even though I know He’s in it, I’m filled with doubts about my ability to accomplish the task. It looms too large in my mind. Not just all the work it will take to write (and where I will find the time to do it with 2 part time jobs and 2 kids and a husband to care for), but also the platform building and literary agents and publishing houses and all the things that I still don’t know enough about. Author Holley Gerth says, “God will fill the gaps for what you lack right now. Jesus turned a few fish and loves of bread into a meal for thousands. He can turn whatever you offer into enough too.” I’m counting on that. And my friend Heather wisely told me that if God has called me to write, then every time I sit down to it I am being obedient. He will take care of the rest. Yes!
So why am I telling you all of this? First of all, for accountability. It’s one thing for me to tell my husband and my mom that I’m going to write a book, but a horse of a different color to put it out on the inter webs. It’s gettin’ real, y’all. Second, I need your help. If you are still reading this, you either enjoy my writing or are a sweet enough friend to support me anyway (Bless my heart.) I need your prayers. If I could be so presumptuous to ask, pray for me to get out of my own way so the love of Christ flows from the page. Pray for time management and all the little details that will be a part of the process.
There are other ways you can help too. Agents and publishers want to see that I have readership. If you haven’t already subscribed to receive these blog posts in your e-mail box, I hope you will. And comment on my posts if you feel lead – not just on the social media post – but on the blog post itself. And lastly, if you like something I said, share it on your social media accounts so others can read it too.
Well, I bet you didn’t expect homework when you clicked on that picture of a cupcake; but I have now shared my dreams and deepest desires with you – whether you wanted to know them or not. So before I work myself into a lather and start shadow boxing to “Eye of the Tiger”, I will close with Ephesians 3:17-19 NIV. I referenced it in a recent post but I keep coming back to this passage because it is the scripture I pray over anyone who ever reads a word I write.
“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”
I believe in you, the Jesus that lives in you, and the big plans he has for your writing! I’ll be one of your first customers!
Thank you, friend.
This is the perfect step for you–you are forever witty, honest, entertaining, and weave detailed beautiful pictures with words. Most of all you have a way of inspiring people with your live and love of God. You can do this! The step is the hardest and you have done it.
Thanks so much for the encouragement, Jaymie. It means so much.
Excited for you. Be blessed, be free, and write like the wind, friend.
Thank you so much!
You write beautifully, Lauren. When God prompted me to write a book in 2016, I was confused and scared. The fascinating thing is that when I stepped out in faith, He brought people alongside to help me self-publish my book on the power of prayer. I will pray for you regarding His leading. It was a pleasure to “meet” you. Remember, God has not given us a spirit of fear-so you know where those doubts are coming from, don’t you? Be encouraged I hope you have a wonderful weekend and may God continue to bless you and yours.
You are so right, Horace. Thank you for taking the time to encourage me.
So excited for you! I’ll be praying and if I can help in any way, let me know!!
Thank you so much, friend.
I DO believe you ” have something amazing to say that the world must hear”. Best of luck with your exciting new project! I will be praying for you.
Thank you, Laurie.
Lauren, I will be praying this “Prayer of Jabez” for you…
Lord Jesus, bless Lauren and her new book indeed. Do something so big in her life that it will be obvious that it is from You. Increase her influence and opportunities to make a difference for You. Give her a continual awareness of Your Presence and Direction as she makes decisions. Protect her and keep her from falling into satan’s traps. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Many blessings to you ❤️
Thank you for praying over me, Beth.
My daughter loves to do that with her cupcakes. I think it’s more fun for her to eat it that way.
So very excited to see what God lays on your heart to write a book about!!! Here to pray and support you all the way!! May the Lord pour himself into you and may His word overflow out of your pen to paper!!!
Thank you, friend. I so needed this encouragement today.
I love that you want to share His love through writing your story in book format! If He brought you to this, and it sounds like He has, He will give you everything you need to accomplish your goal. Yay! Praying for you, Lauren! God bless!
Thank you so much for the encouragement and prayers, Deb.
I have known since your high school days that this was a possibility…so blessed to see the talents God has given you being used already and so excited to see where it will lead…God can do “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” Eph 3:20 This scripture will be my prayer for you until I hold that book in my hand.
I love u Mama. Thank you for being my biggest fan.
That cake idea is amazing. You must write you’re book! xx
I love this! I came over from the Unafraid launch team post, and absolutely love your writing. I will be praying for you and yes, I subscribed! 🙂 I’ve shared my story in our Church a couple of times and was a bundle of nerves. I had a very wise lady say those words to me, “If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.” Good luck to you and may God bless you and your writing.
Thank you so much, Rachelle! That means so much.
You are one step closer to your goal and for that congratulations! I know there are many more steps you’ll need to take but honestly deciding to do something in the first place is one of the hardest. I am so glad that you will write a book. I am looking forward to hearing more about it and I know you will do great!
Maureen |
Thank you so much, Maureen.
So exciting!! God is definitely already working through you in big ways, I can’t wait to see what’s to come!
Thank you for those sweet words, Nichole.
Brilliant post #mixitup
Thank you, Claire!
Praying for you! I know God will do something great with this desire He has placed in your heart!
Thank you, Donna.
Hi Lauren,
As a sister author in the Lord, I would like to gently correct you, if I may, you definitely have something amazing to say that the world definitely needs to hear, you have a unique experience & walk with the Lord that only you can bring to the world…
So please start climbing the mountain of authorship with that goal (God’s your anchor along the way, you won’t fall on the climb)…& once you reach the top, shout it to the world for there are many whom God will speak to through the experience of your words!
Thank you for the gentle correction, sister – and the encouragement. It means a lot!
Lauren, exciting time for you! Praying God continues to lead you and give words. So glad you linked with us at #BVNetworkParty. 🙂
Thank you, Kelly!