Last week I wrote about my studies in the book of Job. You can see that post here. My sister mentioned to me that Jeremiah 30-33 were called “the comfort chapters”, so I decided that would be a good next landing spot for personal perusal.
These chapters are messages of hope and deliverance for God’s people in the midst of a book mostly about judgement. Jeremiah prophesies about the return from captivity of the nation of Israel, but he also looks forward to the end times and the final restoration of God’s people. So in determining if these promises are meant for us today, I believe they are. So I decided to share what I learned from this time in God’s Word, in case anyone else needed to hear it too.
- God will do what is impossible for anyone else. He will deliver, heal and restore to Himself.
- When we remain submissive, He molds us into His image.
- The fruit of the Spirit cannot be produced when all is sunshine.
- God comforts and reassures, urging us to greater faith.
- Pray and He will answer beyond our present understanding.
- He is infinitely high and infinitely nigh.
- He is matchless. No one can compare to Him.
- Our God has limitless vision.
- He has to humble himself to even behold the things of heaven. (That one of from Psalms 113, but it fits)
- God’s goodness is nowhere more apparent than in the midst of suffering.
- He will carry us through every trial and adversity.
- Whatever God permits to come into our lives is meant to conform us to the image of His Son.
- We have a wonderful, personal Lord.
- He is too loving to be unkind and too wise to err.
- The love of our Savior liberates us.
- Suffering never has the final word.
- Out of death, the Lord brings life.
- His ultimate purpose is always, always, always for our good. Amen.
(Some phrases taken directly from the Believer’s Bible Commentary by William MacDonald.)
And now for this week’s featured post!
Riding the Ferris Wheel of Circumstances by Christine of Instaencouragements spoke to me on a deep level this week. As I navigate hard things with my family, this piece buoyed me toward our Father for strength and stability. Hop on over here to read and be sure to leave a comment.
Now for this week’s link-up! Let’s bless and encourage one another in our walk with the Lord.
Grace & Truth exists to point people to Jesus! We hope this link-up will be a source of encouragement every week. If you’re a blogger, we hope you’ll use this space as a way to meet new friends within the Christian blogging community. If you’re a reader, we hope that you’ll encounter new bloggers that love Jesus as much as you do! Most of all, we hope you’ll meet Jesus here.
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Maree Dee
Lauren Sparks
Heather Hart & Valerie Riese
Lisa Burgess
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Thank you for the feature, Lauren. I’ve let our guest blogger, Christine know. 🙂 And thank you for hosting the Grace & Truth link-up! Love these comfort chapters you’ve listed here!
Sharing to the IE Facebook!
You are so welcome, Patsy. And thank you.
Oh, Lauren! I need to remember #2. I want to be molded in God’s image. I need to reduce the amount of “self” in myself! Thank you.
Reduce the amount of self in myself. That’s a great way to put it, Laurie.
This list of 18 things is especially good to read in light of this Coronacraziness we are currently in. I need the reminders of God’s goodness and faithfulness. Thanks, Lauren.
Thank you, Lisa.
Yes Lauren, I know these comfort chapters well & they’re just that comforting 😉
I love all the above points especially #14! Praise Him!
Bless you,
Thank you, Jennifer. I pray you are leaning into Him for comfort when needed.
Perfectly timed content, Lauren! We all could use a little strengthening of faith right now whatever type of faith we practice. This is super impactful to me right now…”The fruit of the Spirit cannot be produced when all is sunshine.” Thanks for sharing!
Glad it was a positive encouragement to you. I’m praying you hang on to your contagious positivity during this crazy time.
Thanks so much, Lauren! Please keep praying for that because it’s getting harder with each passing day. It’s like I am on an emotional roller coaster as I am sure many of us are! But I am going to do my best to keep injecting positivity wherever and whenever I can! You keep doing the same.
We both will survive and hopefully inspire others along the way
Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 10, open March 1 to 26. I’d like to invite you to check out my other current link parties!
Lauren, what a great list of truths. It’s especially important right now to remember that our struggles have a purpose and that we won’t be conformed (or at least grow in that area) to His image without the tests and trials of this life.
You are so right, Donna. Thank you for weighing in.
Such wonderful reminders! I love that He will carry us through it all—nothing takes Him by surprise. 🤗Stopping by from #tuneinthursday
Thanks for reading, Laura.