Today my youngest daughter turns 17. She gets the credit for my current love affair with praying scripture, so I couldn’t help but think of her for today’s Praying God’s Word Wednesday. I had used scripture to pray before (big fan of Stormie O’Martian’s books early in my marriage), but my girl Allie holds the distinction of being the first person I texted a scripture and prayer to.
Now, I weekly text many people I care about with scriptures and prayers. I also pray for me and my immediate family using whatever passage I happen to be reading (from a bible study, sermon notes from Sunday, a book, etc.). But I digress.
When thinking about my girl on the day of her birth, this scripture came to mind:
Behold, children are a [a]gift of the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Psalm 127:3 NASB
God gifts and rewards us in many ways. Children are only one of them. And parenting is far from sunshine and rainbows all the time. I have said often, and stand by, that my children are simultaneously the reason for some of my deepest joys and biggest frustrations. But today, when thinking about Allie, the following prayer flowed.
Replace the name and pronouns with the appropriate ones for the person (or yourself) that you are praying for.
Praying for you in this. And don’t forget to share on social media or with a friend who could benefit. It would mean so much to me. And if you don’t want to miss a Praying God’s Word Wednesday, subscribe over on the right hand side of this page.
Beautiful prayer Lauren. Children are indeed a gift from the Lord.
I remembered my only son’s birthday this week too.
He’s celebrating in heaven though.
I can’t imagine the pain of that, Jennifer. Saying a prayer for all of you he left behind.
Thank you Lauren
Beautiful prayer for Allie. Children and grandchildren are indeed a gift from the Lord. Thank you for reminding us to be faithful to pray for them every day.
Thank you, Joanne.
Beautiful prayer. I find it so helpful to pray Scripture over my kids.
Me too, Kym. Thank you!
Happy Birthday to Allie! Amen to your prayer! What beautiful gifts our children are to our lives!
Thank you for praying with me, Maryleigh!
love this. i’ve learned more from my daughters and their children than i ever thought possible. when i grow up some day, i want to be just like them …
What a kind thing to say about your kids and grands!
Happy Birthday to Allie Rose! Allie means “noble kind.” A noble kind flower. So sweet! Children are a blessing from the Lord, Lauren.
A noble kind flower. I love that.
What a sweet prayer! Happy Birthday to your daughter. Thank you for linking up at Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 9.
Thank you, Carol.