To kick off the new year, I want to thank each one of you for helping me live my dream. A friend asked me once how I knew I was called to write. The only answer I could give her is that I HAVE to write. I’m compelled. I get an idea and I can’t rest until I’ve fleshed it out and typed it up. That any of you would take the time to read something from my research and imagination is a gift that I don’t take lightly. Through the miracle of the internet I get to do what I love. And who knows, maybe one day it will be more than just a hobby. But in the meantime I pray that we will continue to connect, laugh together and learn more about our God and King together.
In thinking about what to write about in 2020, I looked at my most viewed posts from last year. The topics ranged from infertility to love letters, from personal struggles to silly stories. So before I launch into new topics, I decided to present to you a roundup of the 10 most popular blogs on my site last year:
10. When Your Busted Flip Flop Speaks to You June 20, 2019
I had a sandal blow up. And it made me think. Walking through a public bathroom in my bare feet is like stepping into a new day in willful disobedience to God. It’s unwise and leaves me vulnerable to more scum and filth than I care to imagine. And while in this human body my obedience won’t be perfect (sometimes it will look more like the busted sandal shuffle than a victory lap), the effort to stand in God’s will and under His protection is worth it.
9. My Favorite Bible Study Tools September 19, 2019
It can be challenging to stay connected and engaged when the most important part of my day is often sliced up into bite sized chunks. But I have a feeling some of you might relate to a harried schedule. So I shared my favorite Bible study tools and where to buy them.
8. One Verse, One Resolution, One Hope January 17, 2019
While lots of my friends and fellow authors picked a word for the year to be their focus and inspiration in 2019, I related to Jami Amerine from Sacred Ground, Sticky Floors when she said, “If I picked a word for the year, it would be obscene, and I try not to cuss.” That’s where I was this time last year.
7. Knight in Polished Armor January 6, 2019
There are many romantic things I could have said about my husband on our 20th wedding anniversary. He is kind, loyal, hardworking, loving, strong, smart, God-honoring and easy on the eyes. But I’d like to highlight his heroism and outstanding service in the battles of life. With him and our Heavenly Father, I don’t fear the enemy, and the skirmishes are conquerable.
6. For the Love of a Cow January 4, 2019
We flew to California for one day passes to Disneyland. We had to. We were on a mission to get my special girl Shelby to see a life-sized Clarabelle Cow. At least that’s what we thought we were doing. We didn’t find her. But we found a lot of joy together as a family.
5. Dumpster Fire Day August 22, 2019
I think we’ve all had days like I describe here. I decided to share mine just in case I have EVER given you the impression here on my blog or in real life that I have all my chili together. I want to assure you that I am just like you. ONLY WORSE. The End.
4. 10 Scriptures on Perseverance: Navigating Life’s Troubles February 22, 2019
I was (and still am) beyond excited to be published in a devotional compilation and hope you will all consider ordering a copy – or many – if you haven’t already! You can find info on the book and ordering details at https://devotableapp.com/perseverance. I’m also got to host the creator and owner of Devotable, Landen Melton, as a guest blogger.
3. Just the Way We Are September 5, 2019
I’ll never get over the fact that God uses someone as messy and faithless as me. And He uses a 14 year old blonde haired beauty with a natural singing talent and a heart to invite. He also uses a retail manager who does EVERYTHING with the utmost integrity. And He uses a 19 year old who thinks like a two year old and wears her heart on her sleeve. It’s the kindest thing I’ve ever witnessed.
2. A Different Kind of Mothering May 9, 2019
I got to share with all of the interwebs about my sister here. And I pray that God will inspire and raise up other women to mentor and “mother” children not born from their bodies. The world needs more believing women loving and nurturing those in their sphere of influence.
1. A Letter to My Parents on Their 50th Wedding Anniversary June 6, 2019
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Ephesians 4:2 NIV
Dear Mama and Papa,
50 years is quite a legacy. When I saw the scripture verse above, it reminded me of you. I won’t overly romanticize your relationship just because it’s lasted this long. I know that neither of you is COMPLETELY humble, gentle or patient 100% of the time. We are a fully human, fallible family. But as great as I do think you both are, I know it takes lots of “bearing with one another in love” to make it to a 50th anniversary. If the world took that commandment more seriously, many, many more marriages would go the distance.
Looking back through my blog is a lot like reading a journal of what God has done in and through me. I hope you will click on some of the links and read these words again – or for the first time. And I pray you will continue to be reader friends into the new year. Thank you!
Sharing is caring! If you liked this post, do me the huge honor of using the buttons below to share it to your favorite social media accounts. And if you want to get these essays emailed to you once a week, subscribe!
And look up these great writers I link up with every week:
InstaEncouragements, Literacy Musing Mondays, Hello…Monday,
The Good. The Random. The Fun.
BloggerClubUK, Tea and Word Tuesday, Purposeful Faith,
GraceFull Tuesday Link-Up, Hearth and Soul Link Party,
Let’s Have Coffee, Welcome Wednesday, Recharge Wednesday,
Worth Beyond Rubies, #TellHisStory Link Up, Porch Stories,
Encouraging Word Wednesday, Tune In Thursday,
Stories of Hope, Moments of Hope, IHeart Verse Link Party,
Legacy Link Up, Fresh Market Friday, Feature Friday Time,
Friendship Friday Blog Hop, Faith on Fire, Traffic Jam Weekend,
Faith ‘n Friends, Dancing with Jesus, Grace & Truth, Booknificent
Lastly, my posts may contain affiliate links and I earn from qualifying purchases. If you buy anything from one of these links, I will receive a few pennies to help offset the cost of this website at no additional charge to you. Thank you in advance for your help.
Your blog is amazing and wonderful, Lauren, and I’m thankful to have connected with you over at Deb’s place! Here’s to another year of inspiration!
You are such a great online cheerleader! Thank you for your encouragement and faithfulness.
What a year you’ve had! Isn’t it wonderful to look back and see God’s faithfulness and care. God bless you in all you write in 2020.
He is faithful, isn’t He? Thank you Christine.
I totally understand. I have to write too. Not a choice. 🙂 It’s just a hobby for me too. But at this stage of my life, that’s enough. Thanks for using your gift with us online. What a great year of blogging you had!
Thank you, Lisa. I love being bloggy friends with you.
It’s so fun to look back at the end of a year, isn’t it? Thanks for sharing your top 10 posts of 2019 with us. There were a few I missed on there.
Thanks for reading, Heather!
Such a great round of top posts! I am like you in that I am compelled to write. I simply have to do it. I always have. And I am grateful for the internet as well for granting me the opportunity to sit in the comfort of my home and do what I love. (By the way, have you considered writing on Medium at all? It is such a great forum to generate a small amount of income from doing what we love.)
And I had to laugh at your broken flip flop post. I wore flip flops many years ago while traveling by plane. And one broke. And I had to walk through Newark International Airport in my bare feet to get to baggage claim to find another pair of shoes. Probably one of the grossest things I have had to do! Lesson learned…never wear flip flops on planes and always carry an extra pair of shoes in my carryon luggage.
Wishing you all the best in 2020! May your writing muse speak loud and clear!
I feel your flip flop pain! Ha! I haven’t looked into Medium, but I will now. Thanks Shelbee! Love our online mutual admiration society.
What a year it has been! #trafficjam
Happy New Year, Tracy.
Thanks for featuring your top 10. It will give me lots to click on today! Happy New Year – Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya – The Other Side of the Road
Thanks for reading, Tanya. Happy New Year!
Thanks for sharing your accomplishments for 2019. Looks like it was all great content!
Thank you, Karen. It was fun looking back.
I enjoy all of your posts, Lauren. I began linking up with the community of faith bloggers almost 2 years ago when I began writing. My life and my faith have benefitted immeasurably by my interactions with all of you. Thank you!!!
Such a kind thing to say, Laurie. I feel the same way about you.
Love the whole “top ten” idea! We are neighbors at Mary’s linkup today!
Thanks, Susan. It was fun to look back.
I love these roundup posts that I’m seeing everywhere lately, Lauren. I especially like that you shared your favorite Bible study tools with us! Thanks so much!
Thank you for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
Thanks for taking the time to read, Patsy.
The love the fact blogging gives you the opportunity to look back on your year, can be easy to forget the memories sometimes! Hope you had a wonderful time over the holidays! Sim x #TrafficJam
Happy New Year to you!