Welcome back to our midweek prayer fest! Thank you for sharing in this with me. If you are praying along I hope you will share in the comments. Tell us about how this is going for you, what God is showing you, ways you may pray differently, or anything else God impresses on you.
If you are a parent, you no doubt worry about your kids. It makes no difference if they are in the crib or on wall street, trusting that God will take care of them without fretting does not come easy. We worry about their behavior, their development, their driving and their choices. Please tell me I’m not the only one.
Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.
My favorite Bible commentary said that wise men will lift us up. And that a man is often know by the company he keeps. So I prayed this:
Replace the pronouns with the appropriate ones for the person (or yourself) that you are praying for.
Praying for you in this. And don’t forget to share this on social media or with a friend who could benefit. It would mean so much to me. And if you don’t want to miss a Praying God’s Word Wednesday, subscribe over on the right hand side of this page.
I have been pondering in Jeremiah 29 these past few days due to a Bible study I am doing via Zoom with a long-distance friend. Verse 7 has really given me room to think and pray with the Scripture:
“But seek the welfare of the city where [God] has sent [me] into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare [I] will find [my] welfare.” Amen. Through my prayers for who I might consider and enemy or people I do not know, God will take care of me. How wonderful to know that no matter through our prayers, and our studies, and our drawing near to our Protector, He hears us, sees us, and cares about and for us. I am so grateful to You, Lord.
Thank you so much for sharing, Linda. I really appreciate it.
Lauren I am blessed each Wednesday by this series, thank you so much!
Thank you for saying so, Donna. It is as much for me as anyone else!
I stopped by today and was warmed by your words and thoughts
Thank you for visiting, Carol. I hope to see you again soon on my blog or yours!
I’ve been using Sharon Jayne’s book, Praying for your Husband from Head to Toe ever since it came out at least 6 years ago. She created a 30-day prayer list on “every part” of the body for each day. These prayers will challenge your own soul as well. Now that my children are adults I find it a useful resource for praying for my children as well.
I need to look into this book, Mandy. Thank you for the recommendation!
This is a wonderful verse to pray for our families, and for ourselves as well. Lauren, I am so appreciating this series and am grateful you link up each week!
Thank you, Joanne. I so appreciate that you took over the link up!
Thank you for these words, Lauren.
Lord, let this be truth in the lives of my children! Amen
Amen, Tammy. Thank you for praying with me!
Thank you so much for God’s word, Wednesday. I appreciate your words. Blessings.
Thank you, Paula.
This is a very powerful prayer, Lauren. It is a frightening world and we absolutely must have faith that our children will make the best choices and thrive despite the downfalls of humanity. We can lead and nurture them, but ultimately we have to set them free into this crazy world. Faith is about the only thing that will keep us parents from worrying ourselves sick!
Amen to that, Shelbee. Trusting God to take care of my kids has been my biggest faith struggle in a long time.