Spring has sprung and here in Texas that means it’s getting hot and muggy already. School activities are ramping up into high gear as the days on the instructional calendar tick away.
Physical therapy appointments and exercises filled the first part of my month. Unfortunately it only exacerbated my sciatic pain. I received a second sedated epidural injection on the 19th and wait impatiently to see if it offers me any additional relief. In between I worked a little, banquet dress shopped for Allie (she has 4 to attend), and got to hear her choirs perform their UIL show twice! We also watched a digital premiere for Baylor University with Allie (her current first choice for college) and started planning some in-person visits!
Easter Treats
Our church held a special Maundy Thursday service during Holy Week and we attended Easter service Saturday night with Chuck’s parents so we could drive out to spend Easter day with my parents, my PawPaw and my sisters’ families. There was food (of course), confetti eggs, an egg hunt and cooking with Aunt Kristen (a holiday favorite for the kids). And on Good Friday Shelby had an egg hunt with Best Buddies.
Allie Rose and a whole slew of her smart friends were inducted into the National Honor Society in a ceremony that left much to be desired. But an honor for her none the less. Then the next night she starred as Giselle in a one act play of Enchanted. I am more than a little biased, but I think she’s the perfect princess! Watch a short clip https://www.facebook.com/1363398330/videos/298641175786727/
Updates on the Hubs
Chuck still had a few doctor’s appointments sprinkled in there. He is trying to eat a little more by mouth so he can eventually evict the feeding tube, but swallowing still hurts a lot. He also has some lymphatic swelling getting in the way of his throat. So we have applied for insurance coverage on a new device to help with this. We are having fun with how good it looks. My sisters deemed it his luchador outfit (think Nacho Libre). The wrestler names they have suggested: El Detallista – The Retailer (he works for WalMart) or El Sobreviviente – The Survivor. I think I like the later!
April Entertainment
I did not mention any books in my round up last month. That’s because I’ve been struggling to get through one for the last 6 weeks. I’m not sure why except that I’m still taking medication for my sciatica that makes me sleepy. And most of my reading time is in bed at night. First Women: The Grace and Power of America’s Modern First Ladies by Kate Andersen Brower seemed like a perfect book for Women’s History Month, but now that month has come and gone. I loved Brower’s The Residence: Inside the Private World of the White House (highly recommend), and this one is full of interesting stories and details. But it jumps around so much from one administration to another and back again that I get whip lash. I’m still going to finish it; hopefully before another month has gone by. I have trouble quitting on books – whip lash and all.
We talked my sister Kristen into going to see Uncharted with us. A surprisingly clean movie – which is hard to find these days. And it was fun. A very Indiana Jones-like escape. And we tried a couple of new shows on broadcast TV. Good Sam might be a new favorite, although not without issues. We haven’t watched a medical drama since ER but this one has an interesting twist. And The Thing About Pam was good if you like true crime. We tried Only Murders in the Building after hearing good things but the language was a little much for us.
One particularly sedentary day hubby and I watched two movies. I didn’t like either one, for very different reasons. Free State of Jones, although a good historic story, was so gory. We followed it up with The Fighting Temptations for something lighter. It was lighter, but not compelling at all! We then landed on a documentary on Hulu. Captive Audience: A Real American Horror Story shows promise. At least the first episode grabbed us.
Before May Becomes Another Month that Has Gone By
On the day this post goes live, Allie’s show choir puts on their annual Jazz Show. It’s always a highlight. Her solo and her general outlook is Accentuate the Positive! I hope you can as well today. I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Let me know what captured your attention. And as always, I thank you, I love you and I hope May treats you well!
And now for this week’s featured post from the link up!
Grace and Truth’s own Tammy Kennington put so many of my feelings into words. I don’t live in a state of dispair, but have definitely felt it these last few years. She expressed it – and prayed for it – better than I could. Read Two Prayers to Help Overcome Bitterness When You Struggle With Sorrow.
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2. Comment on 1 or 2 other links. Grace & Truth linkup encourages community.
3. Every host features one entry from the previous week. To be featured, include this button or link back here on your post (mandatory to be featured, but not to participate).
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MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
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LISA BURGESS – Lisa notes
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TAMMY KENNINGTON – Restoring hope. Pursuing peace.
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I’m so sorry to hear you and your hubby are having health issues. Congrats to your daughter. She is beautiful. My son saw the movie “Uncharted” too and said the same thing. I will probably have to order it and watch it on tv.
Thank you for the kind words about my songbird. She is a joy to watch. And I really did think “Uncharted” was fun!
It’s good to keep a sense of humor about things we can’t control like your husband’s illness. Praying that he continues to heal and that any insurance issues get taken care of. And I’m so sorry that you continue to have so much pain. Praying doctors find a resolution soon.
Thank you so much for all of your prayers, Donna. It means so much to us to know we have a praying army behind us.
I love the attitude and approach you have when caring for your husband. Laughter does good like medicine. I’m with you, I like El Sobreviviente – The Survivor. Wishing you a Magnificent May.
Thanks, Yvonne. Keeping a positive attitude is sometimes hard, but finding the humor where we can certainly helps!
I wondered about Uncharted. I’m glad to hear it is good. Your daughter’s activities remind me how busy our Mays use to be with all the end -of-year activities. The senior year is so bittersweet–lots of excitement yet lots of “lasts.”
Yes!! I’m not ready for next school year!
Congratulations Allie!! Continued prayers coming for Chuck. I’m having a horrible time with sciatica oh my! I’m going to have to get injections again, sitting, standing, are so painful. Laying eases it. So I’ve been in my recliner a lot. I have an MRI coming up this week. Continued prayers coming your way my friend.
I’m so sorry to hear sciatica is visiting you too, Paula. Saying a prayer right now. And thank you for your prayers for me!
I could hardly keep up with all your activities you did the last month, Lauren! 🙂 You’re a devoted mom to keep pushing through your pain. You’re wise to treasure this last year you’ll have with Allie fully at home. These are precious times indeed.
I know! I don’t want to think about it.
Praying you continue to experience grace as you and your husband travel these medical pathways towards health and wellbeing. Allie has a beautiful voice! I know you’re fully enjoying this season with her!
Thank you, Lisa. For the prayers and the compliment for my songbird. I appreciate you.
You may feel like you’re living in endless chaos at the moment, but take heart, all seasons are temporary.
My prayer is that May will bring peace, joy & love in equal measure!
Thank you so much for that prayer, Barb.
Lauren, it’s fun to read what’s gone on in your April. Sounds like lots of stretching and lots of fun happened for you and your family. My son is considering Baylor too. I loved reading your thoughts here.
Thank you, Jeanne.
Looks like you and your family had a busy and rewarding April.
Thank you for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 18.
It seems like it’s always busy, Carol.
I am sorry to hear about your sciatica and I hope it gets better soon. Also, praying relief for your husband. Dealing with health issues is definitely not fun but I am glad you are making the most/best out of it. My son is young still but I can imagine what it would be like when he leaves home for college. So one day at a time! I don’t really watch TV or movies but will tell my hubby about the ones you saw. He likes to watch movies!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Thank you so much for following along with me, Maureen!
Congrats to Allie! Those nicknames for your husband made me chuckle and I am praying that he gets some relief and can begin to eat more normally. I hope the doctors can figure out a solution for your pain too as it’s just no fun not feeling like we’re at 100%.
Thank you so much for your prayers, Joanne.