Our shortest month is one day longer this year, but it still flew by for me. Some real stuff happened in the midst of the red and pink, the hearts and flowers. We dabbled in a little of that. I gave my beloved some candy and a card and he reciprocated with a card and some roses. We didn’t do anything special, but even staying in is better when he’s with me.
I had an MRI of one foot to get a diagnosis of achilles tendonosis in both. The doctor prescribed cushier shoes and heel lift inserts as well as changing my exercise to biking or swimming to stay off my feet as much as possible. I’m trying to be very compliant as I pray for the best. I tweaked my lower back as well, so I’m feeling about a hundred years old right now. Soft violin music and prayers appreciated.
I had a day date with my younger sister to see Little Women. If it’s long gone from your theater, make yourself a reminder to watch it at home as soon as it becomes available. Seeing this beautiful adaptation of a sister story with my sister made it all the more perfect. I also enjoyed a couple of lunch dates with girlfriends – always a treat. And the socializing peaked with a trip to a gorgeous ranch in Round Top, Texas with two long time friends and one brand new! We slept late, stayed in our pajamas, read, scrapbooked (Not me. No talent for that here. My kids will have to search through my Facebook account to piece together their childhood.), and watched movies. I can’t remember a time when I’ve done so little. And it was much needed.
In addition to my usual yoga classes, I got to teach a couple of indoor cycling classes this month. I also attended a funeral after a family near and dear to us unexpectedly lost their husband and father.
Shelby won a gold medal in the State Special Olympics Bowling Tournament. She loves to ramp bowl and due to a lack of volunteers, I got to assist her this year! Then the very next day, she attended Tim Tebow’s Night to Shine special needs prom. It makes me cry every year to see the lengths all these local churches go to so that my girl and others like her experience a special, magical night. And it means all the more to me that my best friend and her whole family volunteered at the same event in Alabama. We experience it together, but apart.
Thanks to a generous gift from her Nana and Papa, Allie started voice lessons. Her instructor holds a doctoral degree in music and sang with the London opera before moving to Texas. What a blessing for her to pour into Allie. Our girl also keeps busy as a member of Hope Squad – an organization of students selected by their peers working to prevent teen suicide. And now she has been invited to help build a student worship team at church. Yay!
Two of my people celebrate birthdays in February. Allie turned 15 on the 23rd. She hosted a small sleepover with some girls from church and as this is published is still trying to get her school friends together for a “hang”. Chuck turned…a little older than 15 on the 22nd, and for the past 15 years has been birthday overshadowed by a pretty blonde. We did, however take him out to eat and I made a batch of his favorite cookies.
To entertain ourselves we tried two new network TV shows. I would skip Indebted if I were you. As a youth I loved The Nanny and Wings, so I wanted to see these stars, but the show is pretty dumb and poorly acted. We will continue to watch Zooey’s Extraordinary Playlist, which is weird but fun. And we finally started the Mandalorian and season 3 of The Crown. We have finished neither but remain optimistic about both.
I would love to hear the highlights of your month. And as always, I love you, I thank you, and I hope March treats you well.
And now for this week’s featured post!
Responding to Your Teenager’s Attitude by Angie Johnson of keepingthetiethatbinds.com.
Although don’t necessarily think I have “earned” my children’s respect, God certainly demands it. So I couldn’t resist piggy-backing on this post since I wrote about the same types of issues just last week with this post. Hope over and give Angie’s take a once over.
Now for this week’s link-up! Let’s bless and encourage one another in our walk with the Lord.
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Maree Dee
Lauren Sparks
Heather Hart & Valerie Riese
Lisa Burgess
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Lauren, the shortest month and yet it always seems to be full to the brim. May March bring hope and joy as it ushers in the spring, a time of new growth. Blessings!
Thank you, Joanne! Same to you.
You sure had a busy month! I try not to want time to rush by, but I have to admit I’m glad it’s almost March and spring is around the corner!
I’m not ready for warner temps here, Katrina. We don’t get enough winter in Texas and way too much heat.
Thanks for sharing an update on your February. 🙂
My daughter and I saw Little Women and we loved it!
It was so neat to see the scenes from the movie since we visit Concord often which is where they filmed some of the scenes. I’ve actually been to the Old Orchard House, the Alcott’s home there.
Another fun fact, I am a direct descendent of Louisa May Alcott.
That IS a fun fact, Karen! No wonder you are such a fan.
Hi Lauren, this is a wonderful throw back on February. I absolutely love the reflections.
Thank you, Betty.
I loved reading about your month. Sorry about the diagnosis. I hope it is something you can heal from quickly. Your time away with friends sounds amazing.
I spent this past week with a friend, skiing. It was fabulous. We met when we first had babies in a mommy and me class, and then she moved away soon after. But somehow, we have managed to keep our friendship over the miles and time.
I always look forward to our annual ski trip. Plus, my friend eats so healthily I managed to drop a few needed pounds during our time together.
You are a better woman than me to ski! I hung mine up years ago. But I am all for friend time!
February went fast here, too. I wish I could say it included some sabbath getaway time. I’ve been longing for some of that. But hopefully soon. 🙂 I don’t have a biological sister but I do want to watch Little Women, possibly with a couple of my granddaughters. Have a blessed March!
Little Women with granddaughters sounds amazing!
Sorry to read about your Achilles issues, Lauren! Hoping the inserts help. For Valentine’s Day this year, my hubby and I showed each other the cards we WOULD have bought. Saved $10 on cards! I love that guy!!! 🙂
I love this so much!!!
Praying that your healing comes quickly!
I laughed about your kids having to piece together their history through your Facebook account. lol. That’s the way it is these days, yes? 🙂 I used to scrapbook ages ago and loved it, but now I wonder how I ever had time for it. I struggle now to print pictures at all. But it’s on my to-do list!
Thank you for the prayers, Lisa.
I hope your feet feel better soon, Lauren. I’ve worn inserts for years (for a different issue) and they have made all the difference in the world. It sounds like February was a full month for you … same here, and now I’m pretty much ready for spring! 🙂
I can’t say I’m ready for spring, Lois. It gets way too hot way too fast here. Thanks for reading and weighing in!
Oh wow, Lauren, I am so sorry that you have had foot and back issues, but it all seems a bit overshadowed by the good things, no? Shelby’s gold medal and the prom and Allie’s voice lessons, birthdays and other celebrations galore. It seems February presented many wonderful things! Sister time is always so great, too, isn’t it? I just started watching Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist and it is super quirky and silly, but still fun to watch. I thought the previews for Indebted seemed kind of dumb so I skipped that one entirely. After reading your review, I am glad that I didn’t waste my time. I watched a few episodes of The Mandalorian and I just can’t follow it. Thanks for sharing all these bits of your life with us and linking up with me.
Oh, we have only finished episode one of the Mandalorian. So I know I need to pay close attention. Thanks!
Soft violins and prayers coming at you for your feet. Maybe this also means no doing housework? Or like I asked my chiropractor the other day, a note saying I needed a trip to Hawaii. One can always hope.
Oh, Theresa, I didn’t even think about leveraging this for less housework! I”m going about this all wrong!
I love Allie’s cake, Lauren! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLIE! (Happy birthday to Chuck as well.) All my Chick-fil-a friends here in Atlanta would LOVE this!!! Shelby is such an inspiration to me. I love seeing her accomplishments here and on Insta! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for hosting the link-up and for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
Thank you, Patsy. When you have a severely impacted kiddo it is especially meaningful to hear when she has ministered to someone.
It sounds like your month was full! I did not get to see the latest adaptation of “Little Women” so I’m looking forward to renting the DVD when it comes out. Our month was busy and started out with a week on the beach in FL with my husband’s siblings. Then back home and resting, visiting another church and various projects and fun.
It’s always good to look back on a month and see what we had going and maybe learn from it. Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #HeartEncouragement.
A week with siblings sounds so fun to me right now! Thanks for engaging with me!
I had to laugh also at your saying your kids will have to piece together Facebook posts in lieu of scrapbooks. I thought I’d do a lot better about scrapbooking as a MiMi, but No!
It is definitely not my spiritual gift, Jerralea!
Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 10, open March 1 to 26. I’d like to invite you to my Themed Linkup 12 for Crock Pot and Instant Pot Recipes, open February 28 to March 10 if you have any appropriate posts. Won’t you join me at my Short Story Prompt Party for fun and creativity? Open March 2 to 9. Just start typing, see what you come up with! Remember, no story is too short! The prompt is: I woke from a long nap to see…
Thank you for hosting, Dee.
Big congratulations to your girl for her gold medal! Amazing!
I hope your feet and back are all feeling better now, and that March has got off to a great start for you all x #GlobalBlogging
Some improvement in back and feet if I behave myself! Thank you, Malin.