We have rounded another year. I say “another” as if it retains any semblance to the others. It doesn’t. But I have lived (somewhat), written, felt and survived to do it all again. I am so very thankful that the challenges of 2020 pushed me closer and closer to my Heavenly Father, but now I would like them to end (said in jest – sort of).
I want to thank you, bloggy friend, for taking the time to follow my writing and for any amount of time sacrificed to read these words. It means more to me than you could possibly know. And each and every comment left was like a present for me to open. While I know now more than ever that I have no idea what topics the future will provide for this website, I still plan a little, holding it loosely. Proverbs 19:21 says, Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. NIV I desire deeply for God’s purpose to be fulfilled here.
So I looked back for research at what posts you all enjoyed most from last year. This information helps me hone in on what is helpful and meaningful to you. So I present to you (in case you missed any of these or would like to revisit) the top 10 most viewed posts from my site in 2020. And thank you again being such an important community for me. (Also, take a gander at my list of the top posts of 2019 here.)
10. The Good Thing V. the God Thing February 7, 2020
Mark 1:40-45 tells the story of a man Jesus cured of leprosy only to command him to keep his miraculous healing to himself. Common sense seems to say that Jesus’ ministry would only be enhanced by the sharing of this good news. But God’s ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9), so we must seek His guidance in all things and not forge ahead using only our own feeble wisdom.
9. God is Good…but Life is Still Hard March 6, 2020
Certain situations and events from the year past drove me to study Job. Good ol’ Job who lost his wealth, his family and finally his own health. Although he lamented (this can be so healthy), Job never lost his faith in God. In the midst of his heartache – before any earthly blessing was restored to him – Job exclaimed, “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.” (19:25) When all else slips away, we can cling to that.
8. I Love… February 14, 2020
This Valentine’s Day post only touched on romantic love. It’s more about the many things and people I love and am thankful for in this life. Even though I wrote this pre-Covid 19, reading the list again encouraged me. So many of my treasures I still enjoy in the midst of it. I hope it encourages you too.
7. Better Late than Never – My Thoughts on Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and Others June 5, 2020
As the death of several black Americans set our world on fire last summer, I struggled with whether or not my voice in matters of systemic racism and injustice mattered. But I finally had to speak – with people that I know and with my computer keys. I forced myself to examine my privilege and any biases and prejudices with which I view the world. I don’t pretend to be “woke” to the things I’ve been blind to, but I am determined to keep working on it. All life has value. Genesis 1:27 says God created mankind in His own image. The Bible lists no exceptions to this. Black lives matter.
6. The Pursuit May 8, 2020
Using a different translation of Psalm 23:6 gave me a deepened perspective on God’s vast love for us. He created us, He loves us, and He wants us. In this world that is still so full of uncertainty, I find great comfort in this. In Him.
5. Farewell to February February 28, 2020
This was the only month end review to make the list. Reading again about all my social activities pre-virus almost brought a tear to my eye. May it be again soon, Lord.
4. Today I Cannot…a Coronavirus Lament May 15, 2020
The title of this one explains itself pretty well. It took me a couple of months of lock down to reach this boiling point, but many of these things still grieve me (although some days my will to endure stays stronger than the moment in time I penned this). Maybe you can relate to some of my things. And maybe you just need to read the verse at the end for comfort and hope.
3. A Conversation on Race, Part 1 June 19, 2020
Two fellow bloggers of color, Yvonne Chase and Calvonia Radford agreed to an interview on the issues of racial injustice that news journalists and the everyman with a cell phone brought to the forefront of our consciousness. I will warn those of you that look like me that it’s not easy to read. But I pray you will be prompted to examine your own heart against the feelings and facts they share. We still have a long way to go in the arena of race relations in America. You might just find a good start here. And don’t miss the links to their websites. Read Part II of this conversation as well. “In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.” – Angela Davis
2. These are a Few of My Favorite Things (100 to Be Exact) November 6, 2020
“If I am losing it beyond the normal parameters of losing it, I write out or say 100 things I am grateful for.” – Jami Amerine. She calls this a gratitude blitz and I tried my hand at it a couple of months ago. That this list landed in the #2 spot tells me a lot about our need for positivity right now. Hopefully something you read here will touch you, encourage you, entertain you or motivate you to make your own list. And maybe we will decide – at least for a moment – that things really aren’t that bad.
1. Dear Teenage Daughter, You Aren’t Entitled February 21, 2020
I suspect from this #1 post that some of you deal with the challenges of an entitled generation. I promise you that this letter, written two days before my teen’s birthday has a happy ending. And she gave me her permission and approval. Part rant, part lesson and confession from me – it is all heart. And I could not love her more.
This concludes a year in the life of this blogger. A year I honestly hope we never see the likes of again. But important lessons for me – and maybe you – reside here. I hope you are informed or encouraged, and I pray God is glorified here. I thank you, again, for being my reader friends and hope this relationship continues into the new year. Also, happy birthday to the best Papa in the world (and Elvis).
And now for this week’s featured post!
In keeping with the theme of my post for this week, I chose Heather Hart’s Top Candid Posts of 2020 on candidlychristian.com. I would love nothing better than for you to hop over and see some well-loved posts from one of my teammates at Grace and Truth (after you read mine of course).
1. Share 1 or 2 of your most recent CHRISTIAN LIVING posts. (No DIY, crafts, recipes, or inappropriate articles.) All links are randomly sorted.
2. Comment on 1 or 2 other links. Grace & Truth linkup encourages community.
3. Every host features one entry from the previous week. To be featured, include this button or link back here on your post (mandatory to be featured, but not to participate).
We encourage you to follow our hosts on their blogs or social media.
MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
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LISA BURGESS – Lisa notes
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